Reconciling & Urgent News

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No One's POV

after all the fleets had gathered the minor factions,everyone had returned to the base where most of the main faction girls waited for the safe return of the fleets,the first to arrive back was the Main Royal Navy Fleet,that had changed it's composition before departure,instead of it's usual Battleships,Battlecruisers and Cruisers,it was changed to have 2 Battleships,being  Q.E and Warspite and mostly Destroyers like Javelin,for faster travel

the Sakura Empire and Iron Blood kept their normal main fleet compositions in their voyage to the assigned faction,they were supposed to bring back,there was some resistance from the Dragon Empery when the Sakura Empire arrived in their waters and the Iron Blood girls were warmly greeted by the Sardegna Empire when they arrived,though some tension arose when they discussed about the purpose of the visit,it was quickly sorted out with a peaceful talk about the reason for surrender

on the other hand,Eagle Union was the 4th to return back to base as the leader of Vichya dominion was being very stubborn and causing trouble on the way back,even if the trouble was quickly quelled by a certain bunny,that was keeping a close,somewhat closed eye on her,the 4 main faction fleets had returned to the base with relative ease,due to almost no resistance from the faction they brought back or from the Sirens,apart from Jean Bart,who was restless about her defeat to a Destroyer but still,was shut up by said Destroyer

they all met up on the docks as all minor factions stared each other down,trying to intimidate each other,to minimum effect as each major faction,that was with them was keeping them down with a similar aura of intent,each minor faction leader was walking with their corresponding major faction leader as they led their faction's girl from the front

Q.E:it is good to see,that everyone was able to return safely 

Jean:speak for yourself small queen

Laffey:you,be quiet or hit again

Jean:try Me

Laffey:Laffey will make sure it will hurt this time



Nagato:should we be concerned,that Laffey is keeping Ms.Jean on a tight leash

Enterprise:try not to question it too much,I'll be interrogating Ladon about it later

???1;speaking of comrade Ladon,where is he,we were told that he was here and was the one,that wanted everyone here

???2:yes,were is he,it would be good to catch up over some fine wine

Q.E:yes,where is Ladon,has he not returned with the Iris Libre yet

Enterprise:doesn't look like it

Jean:you had better not be lying,when you said he was alive or I will-

Laffey:or you will what,Jean Bart

Jean:....................quietly sit in the corner and mumble to myself

Laffey:that is what Laffey thought

???3:Laffey,is Ladon really back or was it a false act of intimidation

Laffey:Brother is really back Le Malin,though Laffey does not know why,Brother is not back from the iris Libre yet

???4;could it be,he is held up with the Sirens at sea

Bismarck:if that's the case then it might just be a slight delay on his part

???1;so what do we do then,comrades,do we wait for comrade Ladon to arrive

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