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A very strange yet beautiful bond is the one a mother and daughter holds

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A very strange yet beautiful bond is the one a mother and daughter holds.

A very intriguing depth in the bond is that you can see through each other but fail to notice it at times.

One such encounters between Jaya Rao and Kirti Rao was the pain of seperation from their partner.

It was a tough time to pass through but they surpassed the level much to their own surprise. They were strong . Atleast that's how Raghav Rao described them to be.

Jaya has come a long way through pain and learnt to stand her ground whatever might come coz life has been cruel to her to turn her around and make her this strong.

A storm arrived and took away her partner in an age where her children were yet to settle down in their lives.

She learnt to be there for her two kids and had emerged from pain of seperating from her partner, by growing up her children to be what they are today.

The case was different in kirti's marriage.
A grave accident where she lost her husband and herself survived with severe injuries. 2 years was neither a short period nor a long one for a married woman to forget moments with her partner to be precise. Jaya Rao has seen the history repeat in her daughter's case. Raghav Rao was as devastated as Kirti Ahuja was, with the news, when she opened her eyes after 3 days of the accident took place.

Jaya couldn't digest the fact that kirti was widowed so early in her life. Even it took few months for kirti to come back to a purposeful life. Jaya took upon her shoulders to teach her girl the nuiances of being a strong lady whereas Raghav Rao showed kirti the qualities she possessed to lead a better life and move forward.

However, it always depends on the person to change or not to change.

Kirti was a sensible woman and accepted the harsh truth of her life. She understood the little efforts put by both her mother and brother to bring her back to life, lead a purposeful existence and move on.

She build herself brick by brick again. She put up small goals for herself and strived hard to achieve them like a child does at her early stages of life. She found herself enjoying the little success stones on the path of fulfilling her goals. She started her life again from ashes and felt child like excitement on moving forward step by step.

Jaya saw her daughter grow up again. She re-lived all the stages of her daughter again. Infancy, childhood, teenage, matured young lady and a fearless woman. Though all stages were met with their own challenges, these two mother- daughter fought on difference of opinions, as every pair does. But the difference was they would come back to each other on some or the other level, as they knew this was one of the ways to show their care towards each other.

Raghav found this special quality of them very interesting as he would just sit and look how they would reconcile differently  every single time. He had seen his mother's journey of becoming a strong lady but when the history repeated in his sister's life, he feared she would take another decade to collect herself and lead a life again. He feared the next jaya in making. The devastation hit him hard when he saw the dead body of his brother-in-law burning into ashes signifying the burnt fate of his sister.

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