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Ones Ruvel and Origami went back home Origami started to woory about Ruvel geting hurt " Ruvel are you hurt just tell me so i can help!!". " I told you im fine (blushing)". " Oh realy... THEN WHATS THIS!!". Origami noticed that Ruvel's arm was bleading. " Hey!! what are you doing with my arm". " Puting a cast so it dosent infect". "Ugh....(blushing) thanks".Ones Origami was finished silence fell. "Ugh Origami I have to tell you something". "Hmmm?"." I LOVE YOU!!!"."!!! t-that was unexpected (blushing) do you realy feal that way about me?" "Yes I realy do at first i didnt know why my heart always racess when im with you then I finaly realized that i was in love i didnt want to admit it but every time we spent together my love grows bigger i want ted you to join me but you must be with you brother". "Wait !! you knew my brother?" Ruvel nodded " Your brother was a great drawer he drew me before latis took him i promiced that i will reunite your brother with his famile and that is you". "But I-I want to go with you!!". Ruvel was shocked to hear what he heard."But that means that you will not reunite with your brother". " Its fine my brother would rather want me to be happy". "Yah but you know what will happen rite". "Its fine il do it just for you". Then Ruvel brought out his scyth he held it out in front of origami and the edge touched origamis forehead and every thing turned white next thing i know i was at the under world next to ruvel in front of us was the demon king ..... but thats another story for another time next chap" together forever ".

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