•03• Table no. 25

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"Aara, a cup of coffee for table no. 25." A fellow waitress spoke while rushing to another customer.

Well, The Queen's Cafe was quite packed that morning. Moreover, the owner was present in the cafe to inspect how the employees work. Because according to that old lady's philosophy, etiquettes is equals to profit.

"Alright." A very sleepy Aara yawned and picked the tray carrying a steaming cup of coffee. Her heart yearned to drink it, but she can't. It's for the customer.

This is exactly what happens when you work even when you are preparing for your third year finals of Bachelor's. But she had no other option than working at days and studying at nights. Because her pocket was quite tight.

She, like a professional waitress, elegantly put the cup on the table no. 25. By professional waitress, I meant respectfully, gently, and with no hurry.

"Enjoy your beverage, sir." These etiquettes do a miracle to the customer's mood. It helps a lot in earning good tips from them.

She was about to go back to the kitchen when suddenly something clicked in her mind. She turned around to look at the guy sitting on table no. 25.

He looked quite familiar. But he looked different. He was wearing a navy blue three-piece suit. He was beyond handsome to be exact. Perfect was a word to describe him in every girl's dictionary. But the same perfection seemed odd to Aara.

Her subconscious mind was connecting him with blood, darkness, crash...


He is the same guy who crashed his car a week ago, which could be proven from the bandage on his forehead.

At that moment she realised that he was also looking at her.

She retraced her path to his table.

"You are the guy who met with an accident a week ago, right?" She asked curiously. Her finger pointing at him as if saying "I know I am right.", which she was. He was too handsome to be forgotten.

"Yeah, and you are the girl who called the ambulance, right?" Angvir was only doing the formality by asking this question, he already read her name from the name tag on her shirt. It spelled "AARYAHI" in bold, black, and block letters.

"Yeah." She nodded, looking around if the owner is keeping an eye or not.

Luckily not.

"Can you join me for a while? I am here to meet you." He asked hopefully. It wasn't like she will deny. Girls find excuses to talk to him and he is giving her a golden chance.

"I am afraid, it's my workplace." Her reply burst his confidence. For Aara, handsome guys are nothing more than a trouble and she is hell bent on avoiding them. However, crushing over them doesn't count. It's a harmless hormonal reaction.

"Just ten minutes, please."

Did he just say "please"?

This day should be celebrated as "World Please Day." Because Angvir Mehrotra never says Please so pleasingly.

"Alright, speak." She agreed after thinking for a moment.

It was a little risky to converse with a customer in the cafe when the owner is around. That old lady is quite stereotypical and orthodox. She will without any second thought assume that they are dating. Which may result in a long lecture of etiquettes for poor little, actually tall, Aara.

"Thank you for helping me that night. If it weren't you than I would have been dead by now." He smiled at the mentioning of being dead. As if death seemed fascinating to him, but obviously anyone will value life over death, so did he.

"If it weren't me then it would have been someone else. Don't exaggerate it." spoke the typical Aaryahi Sharma. Someone who loves to pretend as if she is very selfless and modest. Honestly, she isn't. She never even shared her snacks with anyone. But pretending makes you feel like a better person, right? We all do it.

"But at the end, it was you. And that's why I want to give you this." He pulled out a piece of paper from the pocket of his coat. As he put it on the table it turned out to be a cheque. And from the number of zeroes Aara could read, it was one million. A fortune for an orphan like her who is struggling financially.

"Take it as a token of appreciation from my side."

"Token of appreciation?" She asked with a puzzled expression.

"For saving my life."

"In simple words you are giving me the price of saving your life." From her words Angvir could feel as if she was judging him over this action. But what's wrong in this? He couldn't quite understand the way her gaze changed its way to look at him.

"You can think of it as that." He shrugged.

"You can donate this money to any orphanage, thank you." And she walked away to continue with her work.

Did she just ignored a handsome guy and a cheque of one million?


The look on Angvir's face could be declared as "The Confused Expression of the Decade." He silently put that cheque back into his pocket and looked at the cup of coffee.

The fragrance was tempting. It must be really tasty. But his ego denied to drink it.

She refused his so-called token of appreciation. And it hurt him egoistically as well as emotionally.

"Bill, please." He motioned to a waitress passing by. She nodded and brought the bill.

Fifty rupees?

For God's sake he earns in billions. The cost is too cheap for him.

He pulled out his wallet and put five thousand rupees on the table. And arrogantly exited the cafe without caring about the reaction that waitress gave him.

Five thousand rupees for a fifty rupees coffee?

"Etiquettes, girl, etiquettes." The owner qouted when she got to know about this arrogantly generous customer.

That night Aara sighed before retiring to her bed.

"I did right by declining the money? Of course, I did right. What if he was a womanizer or associated with sex trafficking? I did absolutely right by not falling into his trap. Bravo, Aara."

From her perspective she did the right thing by not accepting the money that doesn't belong to her.

From his perspective his intention was right to help her financially by giving so much money.

But Aara lacks the quality of trust.

And Angvir lacks the quality of letting things go.

He will give her that money by hook or crook. Even if that means he has to stalk her.

He is arrogantly generous. I don't know if it's good or not?

Please leave a review. ( I know no one will do so 😔)

Dedicated to maanisheikh2908
I hope you are over that toxic story.🙂🙂🙂

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