•10• No one

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Aara stepped inside Danish's cabin.

Just a day before she had seen Danish and Angvir kissing each other in the same cabin.

And she was far more than just nervous to enter that room again.

She used to think it's just a rumour that Danish is a gay. But turns out this information was absolutely accurate.

And Angvir? The way he had flirted with Siya that night, it didn't seem he was interested in men.

“Please sit, Aara.” Danish pointed to the chair placed against the mahogany table.

Aara nodded and took her seat, her eyes downcast.

“I can understand you saw something scandalous yesterday...” He began, he had never expected he will be explaining his actions to someone someday. But Aara was really precious to him, so precious that he paid the entire fees of her Bachelor degree while telling the Dean to say it was a scholarship provided by the college. And it hurt him, that she was maybe judging him for being a gay. Because Aara never judged someone.

“Sir, you don't need to explain yourself to me. And being gay is not a crime. Yesterday, I was shocked to see you two making out, that's why I ran away.” She made him understand her point of view.

Danish smiled. She didn't judge him.

“Aara, you are really precious to me. Not as a student, but more than that. I love you”

“But you are not interested in women.” She said with a blush.

Danish chuckled.

“Silly girl, I love you because you are the only one who never judged me and tried to understand me. And that doesn't need me to be interested in you in any other way.”

“Alright, so you are interested in Angvir?” She asked excitedly. She was disappointed to find out that a handsome hunk like Angvir was a gay, however, her disappointment can't change the truth. So, dear disappointment, go to hell.

“Not really, it's the other way round. He is interested in me.” He rolled his eyes.

“And you aren't?” She frowned.

“Not at all. He is an emotional mess. And his affection is suffocating.” From the look of annoyance he wore, she knew he was honest while saying so.

But it hurt.

“Angvir is a nice person. Even if he is an emotional mess.” She defended Angvir.

“Aara, I know. But he isn't the one for me. That's it.” He shrugged.

“Then whatever happened between you two yesterday, what was that?” She asked.

“His way to get my attention. He kissed me. I was about to stop him but you came and the rest is something that will haunt you in your dreams.”

“That's true.” Their make out will definitely haunt her at nights.

She continued, “But you are hurting him.”

“Aara, don't make me feel bad about myself. I never led him on. It was him all the times. And now stop talking about him or I'll have a headache.”

“You are terrible.”

“I know.”

Aara huffed and left his cabin.

“Aara, listen I-” But Danish's voice was cut short by the slamming of door that led Aara out of his cabin.

Aara was angry over Danish for not understanding Angvir. He just want some love in return of his tons of affection. Is it so difficult to love someone as innocent as him?


Aara entered the cafe with a sour mood. Still wearing her casual clothes and a kit hanging on her shoulder.

“Hey, Aara.” She heard someone.

And hearing his voice her heart sink deeper into the ocean of hurt.

He was sitting on the table no. 25, with a hopeful smile.

Aara went to his table and smiled at him. The smile that didn't reach her eyes.

“Can we talk, please? And you are not wearing uniform means your shift is yet to start, so sit.”

Aara, without any excuse, sat down opposite to him. Much to Angvir's surprise. He had expected her to give excuses of why she should not talk to him on her workplace.

“About yesterday--” He had just began explaining when he was cut short by her.

“Please! Now you don't start with it. I was just shocked to see you two... doing what you were doing. That's it.” She felt annoyed. Anyone will be shocked at her place, it isn't everyday when you catch two men making out.

He smiled.

“Then about Danish--” but he was again cut short by her.

“He told me you like him.” Her face was blank while saying so.

“So do you know if likes me or not?” An expectant smile lingering on his lips, making her sad again.

She was contemplating on what to tell him. Tell him the truth and break his heart. Or give him a false hope.

“Angvir, look... He doesn't. He doesn't love you.”

She saw a flare of anger cross his features. But she continued.

“He says your affection suffocates him. That you are an emotional mess. He is a good person. But the thing is, he isn't the right person. He isn't the one for you.”

And that's all it took to fuel the fire inside him. Angvir rarely gets angry, which is a nice thing. Because his angry is the worst trait of him.

“And who are you to say this?” He challenged her to say a word, his tone held a clear warning.

Who is she to say this?

She wondered.

She is no one. No one to him. No one.

“No one.” She silently admitted that she is no one to give him her opinions on his love life.

Tears were threatening to escape her reddened eyes. But before her tears could escape, she escaped from his gaze. She left to start her shift.

And Angvir just sat there, with his angry aura making people around him uncomfortable. Even Siya didn't dare approach him, he visibly looked as dangerous as an injured lion.

Once again he left without tasting the coffee of that cafe.

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