•20• Artistic Reasons

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It was a Sunday morning after that groin-breaking party night.

Aara left for the cafe as soon as Samaira went back home in a pretty good mood. All night she was gushing about how lovely she and Angvir looked together.

She had just pulled out the door keys from her pocket when “Aara!”

When a loud voice scared her. She shrieked in surprise. However, when she looked at the source of the voice, her reaction was...

“You gave me a heart attack, Ang.” And she punched his forearm.

“Oh, sorry.” His mischievous smile was enough to know that he did it on purpose, to scar her.

Aara quickly opened the main door of the cafe and entered inside. Angvir followed behind her.

“What are you doing here?” She asked while going to the room where employees keep their stuff.

“It's Sunday. I was free. My sibling ditched me for their stupid school trip. So I thought-”

“Why don't you trouble me for rest of the day.” Aara completed his sentence.

“Exactly!” He grinned and continued, “And by the way, this cafe is my property now. I need to keep an eye on it.”

“Very well.” She came out of the room and headed to the kitchen. Angvir just kept following her.

“What would you like to drink? Latte, cappuccino, or the infamous black coffee.” She asked while pulling out the necessary items for the cabinets.

“Why infamous?” Now that caught his attention.

“Because that's what most CEOs prefer, as per those cliche CEO romances.”She glanced at him while answering so.

“So... according to you, I am a black coffee drinking CEO who may fall in love with the girl present in this kitchen.” He drove the topic in a whole different direction.

“Nope. I only asked if you would like to have one.” She tried to pull him back in the right direction.

“A girl? As in a girlfriend or a daughter?”But it's him we are talking about.

“I was talking about black coffee.”She huffed, trying not to lash at the owner of the cafe she worked in.

“Well, no. I don't come from those cliche romances where masculinity stands for torturing your tastebuds. I'll have a decent cup of traditional coffee with a spoonful of chocolate or vanilla.”

“Is that all or you'll need a girl to feed you?” She asked sarcastically while preparing to make coffee for me.

“Not at all. What are you for?” He grinned.

“Friends don't flirt, Ang.” She switched on the coffee maker.

“Oh yeah, they do much more than that when things get more serious.” He smirked.

“If you weren't the owner of this cafe, I would have kicked you out by now.” She said in a calm voice.

“That reminds me of your act of valour from last night.” And suddenly, the topic changed.

“What about that?”

“You didn't tell me about it in detail last night.”

“There's no need to go into the detail. I was about to leave when that bitch Nayana dropped her drink on my dress. I went to the restroom where I found that guy. There's nothing suspicious about it.”

“What if Nayana set it up?” He put forth the question lingering in his mind since the previous night.

“If that was the case then she would have advised me to go to the restroom, or anything else just to make sure I go to the restroom. I was about to leave with that stain as it is if Samaira hadn't suggested I go clean it in the restroom.”

“That makes a point.”

“Ang, I agree that Nayana is a bitch. But no girl will do something so traumatizing with another girl. She has some unjustified prejudice towards me, but that's it.” She meant her words.

“Aara, do you remember I had told you that a girl had proposed to me?” He asked hesitantly.

“Yes, you said you will accept her proposal. Are you with her now?” She asked with interest.

“It was Nayana. She saw us together at that party, got jealous that I chose someone else over her and the Instagram post happened.”

“That explains everything. I mean, I was wondering why a girl will target me simply because I was friends with you.” Aara was more relieved than shocked. The revelation at least disclosed the reason why Nayana was doing what she was doing.

“Honestly speaking, I am glad this whole Instagram post mishap happened,” Ang said with a silly smile.

“Why is that so?”

“We have got closer since then.”


Things were getting more serious. At least, that's what it seemed from the way he was looking at her.

But the coffee maker saved her.

“Looks like your coffee is ready.” She quickly pulled the cup out and poured a spoonful of melted chocolate into it and handed it to him.

“Thanks.” He took a sip of it, “It's delicious.”

Aara only smiled and got back to work. Setting up the chairs against the tables. Putting tissue paper and a tiny colourful vase on each table and everything you need to do before opening the cafe for the customers.

“Why aren't the other workers here yet?” Ang asked while sipping the coffee.

“I came early. The cafe doesn't open before nine. There's still an hour left in that. Others will be on their ways by now.” She replied while cleaning the tables.

“Oh, then I should leave before Siya comes. And by the way, I'll come to pick you up at six from your home.” He quickly finished his coffee and put the cup on a nearby table.

“For what reasons?” She asked curiously.

“For artistic reasons.” And he was gone, leaving her all curious about the following evening.


What a coincidence!
I am writing and publishing this chapter on Sunday!

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