Like father like daughter?

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I got a phone call from violets school. They said that she stabbed a kid with some scissors .I Went up to the school to talk with the principal. "Ok so do you know where all this came from?" I sighed. "No sir I don't." We talked a bit more then some thing strange happened. "Hey um would you like to go out some time? I mean like a date." I sighed. "Sorry I'm married." I walked up to the door. It was locked. 'Shit' I thought as I turned around. He chuckled. "I'm sorry but no is not a answer." I rolled my eyes. "Well for me it is." I tried to open it again but there was no use. Now I was freaking out. 'Is he gonna rape me? Why do I always get almost raped?' I thought as I felt something hard hit my head. I blacked out.
I woke up. I was breathing heavily. I looked around the room. I was on a soft bed. It was a little dark but I could see a little. I looked at the wall. It was covered in pictures of me and some had Vincent but his face was crossed out with a marker. I noticed that I was bear naked with hand cuffs on my hands and legs. I tried to scream but there was duck tape on my mouth. I herd a door open. I saw a man who looked about 25 around my age. He had dark brown hair with blue eyes. I knew him. He was violets principle. He walked up to me only to start kissing my neck. I tried to struggle out but he just laughed and kept doing it. He stopped and said "it's been a while hasn't it (Y/N)?" I looked at him with confused look. He chuckled." You don't remember me? It's me Blake your EX!" Memory's filled my mind. Blake was my EX we broke up be cause he was pushing it to hard on me to 'do it' with him. 'He is gonna rape me now isn't he?' I asked my self as he took his shirt while saying. "Don't worry we are gonna have some fun~" he smiled and went in for a another kiss on the neck. 'Vincent save me...' I thought.

In love with a monster purple guy X readerWhere stories live. Discover now