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I didn't want to answer him but I had to. Violet was crying softly."mommy please say no. You love daddy not him!" Blake's face grew in anger. "THATS IT!" I heard a click come from the gun. 'No...' I thought as he pulled the trigger and BOOM. I saw a flash of purple fly past my eyes. I look down to see that violet had been shot. "VIOLET!" I felt her pulse. She was still alive but was bleeding badly. I look up and Blake's lifeless bodie was in Vincents arms. His throat had been slit. Vincent dropped him and grabbed the phone. Soon the ambulance and cops where there. They took violet and us to the hospital. A cop joined us in the car. He asked me what had happened. I told him every thing that happened. We got to the hospital and they put violet on this bed thing. They didn't waste time so they we where running with the nurse's and doctor's down the hall. Violet was awake she was holding my hand. "Violet your gonna be fine ok sweetie?" She softly nodded. I couldn't stop crying because my baby was in this mess. A nuse stopped me and Vincent. "Look ma'am we need to test you for DNA." I nodded and followed her. After she tested she walked up to me. "Ma'am have you any sexual attion after the rap?" I shook my head 'no'. She sighed. "Ma'am I'm afraid that the rapist made you pregnant." Vincent's eyes went wide. A huh escaped my mouth. I was happy and mad at the same time. I was happy to have a another kid but I was mad that it was blake's kid. I went into shock so I didn't say anything. My lips where moving but no words came out. I stood there staring off into space with out words, just thoughts field my mind. They had to sit me down because I couldn't move by my self. I zoned back in but still said nothing. I saw the doctor come in. He cleared his throat. "We have some good news miss." I sat up and smiled. "Is violet going to be ok?" He nodded. "Yes but we where confused of how she did. It truly is a miracle." I cocked my head in confusion. "What do you mean 'how she did'?" He sighed and showed me the x-ray. "Look the bullet went into her brain. For a normal person they would of died instaly but for violet she lived some how." I remembered what Vincent said a long time ago. "You can't kill what's already dead." Those words felled my mind. 'Is violet just like him?" I thought to my self.

.......TWO MOUNTHS LATER ;3.......................
(y/n) POV
My belly was already big now and violet was out of the hospital so life was back to normal. Since it was summer violet didn't have school so we took her to Freddy's. She loved it there. Me and Vincent had our uniforms on. I decided to watch the kids cove since mangle was there. Mangled or foxy was so nice and she loved kids. "Hey mangled!" I said as she looked over with her only eye. She saw violet and smiled. "MANGLED!" violet yelled as she ran up and hugged the white and pink fox. "HeY tHeRe ViOlEt!" I giggled. It was cute that violet looked like her dad but acted like me. I look around and saw that Vincent was at the party area watching Freddy and his friends perform. 'Wow is he that bored?' I thought. "No I just want you next to me~" I yelped and noticed he wasn't there any more, he was behind me. "Wait you can read minds?" He nodded "yes and you think about bad stuff." I blushed "really like what what?" He came closer to my ear. "Me without a shirt~" I turned red and playfully smacked him. " hey don't worry Hun I do the same to you~" I laughed. "Vincent you horny basterd~"

In love with a monster purple guy X readerWhere stories live. Discover now