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( it's about to get bad....)
Vincent's POV
I walked into the abandoned pizzeria. I had a great idea for my little friends. I walked in and looked around to see if there was any night guards around. Nope it was empty. I laughed and walked up to Freddy. His eyes turned black. I laughed again and walked to chica and bunny. Same thing happened to them. I walked away and saw foxy. Once I made eye contact his eyes did the same. I walked around and saw that Freddy was moving around. I hid in a small room. I watched from the door that was closed but only by a little. He came up to the door but couldn't open it. He gave up and slowly turned. I saw a hammer and took this advantage. I ran out and hit him over and over until he was nothing but scraps and pieces. All you could hear was me laughing and the thunder storm outside. I walked back into the room and waited hoping that bunny and chica would follow in his foot steps. Luckily they did. Bunny actually tried to get in. He kept bagging until he gave up. I ran out and hit him causing his head to fall off. I stepped on his body till it looked like Freddy's. Chica was a little smarter though. She looked at the door then at the animals. She started to speed walk away but I was quicker. I smashed her arm off along with her legs. Her cupcake fell on the ground and broke as I stepped on it. "Now for foxy..." I sat and waited for that damn fox. He came running. Shit I forgot that he can run. He ran up to chica and started whaling around. He got up an ran to the door, screaming like a child. I laughed and pushed the door, making it break. He saw this and tried to run but I jumped on him. I hit him with hammer over and over again. I stopped after I heard a giggle. I turned to see them. But there was four instead of five. They slowly floated to me, which made me back up. They backed me up into the room that I was in. Suddenly the fifth one came out. She smile when she saw me. "Hello Vincent.." She said with a giggle. "Hello Faith....(I don't think I spelled that right ;-;) I said as my smile only grew. She stepped in front of tan. "You know what we want Vincent." Said Frederick. I nodded. "Yeah and I wanted to talk.." Violet giggled. "I think it's cute that you killed me then had another kid and named her after your other daughter that you killed." She said as she smiled the same smile that I do. Sophie laughed with her. "Yeah it is cute and so is your wife.." I growled. "We don't talk about my family.." Tan spoke up. "What about billy? How do you know that she got raped? She could have enjoyed it then lied to you!" I looked away and growled. She wouldn't do that would she? "Of course she would Vincent...she hates you.." Faith said. Tan, Fredrick, Sophie and violet all laughed as faith came closer causing me to back up. "You know what we want Vincent..." She said as she pointed to a golden suit. It looked like bunny but it was golden and it was broken up. I shook my head. "No....I'm not going in that..." She laughed. "It's not your choice..." She said as she came closer. I saw that she was holding a needle. I screamed and ran to the other side of the room. She laughed along with the other kids. "Get in the suit....." She giggled. I shook my head. She got angry. "YOU LITTLE PURPLE SHIT GET IN!" She yelled as she came running at me. I screamed and ran to the other side. Then she ran over there. We kept running and running. I screamed and ran to the suit and put it on. I laughed. "YOUR SO STUPID! YOU THOUGHT THAT I WOULD DIE. HAHAA- ACK!" I suddenly felt pain in my body. I couldn't move. I fell to the ground as blood came out of my mouth and body. It seeped out of the suit and it crawled on the ground. I was shanking and crying. They stood there all laughing, except for violet who looked like she was about to start crying but she shrugged if off and giggled. The four walked out as faith stayed in. "Your the stupid one Vincent..." She laughed as my vision faded away.....".I never told her that I loved her.......I'm so sorry.....(y/n)....I love" I said my finale word as it turned to black.....
CLIFF HANGER!!!! The story's not over yet trust me... It's just the begging of something beautiful, sad and bloody. K have a nice day and stop crying it's ok :3 Bye reader-chan~ :3

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