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its been a rough week for us. First my cat died then Vincent got fired because he got replaced and they didn't need him anymore. I'm still working there though. He's not been acting normal latly I'm starting to get worried. He would just sit there and stare off into space then laugh about somthing. But his laugh wasn't normal this was like a madman laugh. He was starting to scare the kids so I had to take them to work with me and leave Vincent alone at home. "Ok I'm leaving for work, l will be back at 12 k?" I yelled hoping to get a response. But no I didn't get a response. I sighed and handed billy to violet and walked into the bedroom. I jumped a little to see him sitting up with a HUGE smile and his eyes where wide. "V-Vincent? You ok?" I asked a little scared. I knew what he did in the past and what he can do now. He turned his head to the side and did a 'mhm'. He reached his arms out like he wanted a huge. I smiled "you want a huge baby?" He nodded. I walked up to the bed and was instaly greeted with a huge hug. It felt like he was about to cry but he kept that stuiped smile on. The huge lasted a long time. I looked up to see that the smile was gone but now he had a slight frown on his face. "Vince I'm staying home with you ok you seem sick." He just nodded. "I'm going to drop the kids at Freddy's with Mike and Fritz ok?" He nodded again. He released me out of the huge as I slowly got up. I walked down stairs to violet and billy. I took billy away from violet and put him in his car seat. Then I put violet in hers. As we got there I saw Fritz and Mike. I handed mike billy and I handed violet to Fritz. "I'm going back home, Vincent's a little sick so I will be back at 12 k?" They both nodded. I kissed both the kids and got back in the car. I got back home and saw Vincent laying on the couch. He was facing up at the ceiling. "Vince you want some toast?" He shook his head 'no' sill with the frown. I sighed. "Baby talk to me please I need to know what's wrong." He sat up and turned so he was facing me. He slowly got up and walked to me towering over me because of his hight. His eyes where filed with a hint of sadness and misery. He reached out and hugged me again this time he was crying . Hugged him back but I didn't know why he was crying. "Vinny what's wrong?" He sniffled a little. "I h-had a dream w-where I killed you and the k-kids and I have been day dreaming about it." I walked him to the bed room and say him on the bed. "It's ok Hun your not going to hurt us and you know it." He nodded slightly and went under the covers. I put the alarm clock to 12 so if I feel asleep I could wake up to get the kids. I took off my uniform and put a night shirt over me with some warm up pants. I laid down and curled up next to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I slowly kissed him on the lips but it was to long. We separated the kiss and he put his face in the corner of my neck. I never went to sleep but I acted like I did. Vincent was mubbling to him self. "I won't let I won't hurt" I sighed. "It's just a bad dream sweetie I'm still here." I said as I rubbed his back. He held on tighter. "I won't do it .....I love her........please....." I kept rubbing his back and doing what moms do when there kids are have bad dreams. "Shhh Vincent it's just a dream I'm not going to die." He finally want back to sleep without mubbling I sighed in relf as the alarm clock went off. I got up and left to pick up the kids.
i am so sorry it was taking so long I had the idea but I was working on the other story's to so yeah I'm really sorry 😩

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