Justice building

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I am escorted to my room in the justice building same as Adam. The first people to visit me are my  parents and my brother. "You have to be strong" mom says. "Just try really hard to win." Rye says. "Ok" is all I can say. Rye, you and mom go hunting help the family get fed, promise me. You got to be brave Rye. Ok?" I say. "Ok" Mom and Rye say in unison. "Your times up" the person says "I love you guys." I choke out before they leave. Then Gale comes in. "Gale? What are you doing back in 12?" I say. "I didn't realize the games would be back otherwise I wouldn't have came but, try and get both of you guys to win and we will definitely stay." he says with a smile. I am about to start tearing up but I stay strong. "ok" I say. I have to win this not just for district but for my family and Gale. He needs his son.

Sorry its short but don't worry the story will continue. Hopefully you enjoyed. Cant wait to see how you react on next chapter!!!

Willow and Rye ~ after mockingjayWhere stories live. Discover now