2.3 Question and answer

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Content: See Introduction for general content notes. Sexual content!


When they get back from the pub, Steve suggests they go down to the music room as it's better insulated from the neighbours. He puts on a strange album that Alice only recognises as The Sensational Alex Harvey Band when it gets to the fifth track. They sit on the battered leather sofa and Steve empties out his pockets, stacking the loose change by denomination on the equally beat up coffee table. It is clear from the well-worn state of it that this room is where he spends most of his time.

Alice, bored, asks "So what do you usually do of an evening? When you're not in the pub?"

Steve looks as if this option had not previously occurred to him. His eyes dart around the room hoping a suitably impressive hobby will leap out from behind a stack of records. "Umm...nothing much..."


There is an awkward pause. Alice also scans the room for inspiration and her eyes alight on a pack of cards.

"We could play a game?"

It turns out the only game they can both reliably remember how to play is Go Fish, which Steve is surprisingly enthusiastic about. By the fourth game, however, his concentration starts to waver, and Alice deploys a tactical yawn and stretch.

"Mmm, it must be getting late..." Another yawn...

"Ooh, I forgot, I have a surprise!" He holds out his hand and leads her up to the bedroom. "Ta da!" There is now an actual bed in the bedroom. "AND it's a new mattress. And pillows. And look, a lamp!" He switches on the lamp and jumps onto the bed, reclining like a roman emperor and looking terribly proud of his achievement.

"Well in that case, I brought something appropriate for this great occasion."

Alice rifles in her bag and ducks half out of sight behind the wardrobe door, pulling her jumper over her head. Ten seconds later she re-emerges wearing a short nightdress, black of course, with a ruffle at the hem, and does a twirl. She looks elegant and, with that haircut, a little like a 20's flapper girl.

"Now I don't have to borrow your t'shirts any more." 

Noticing him still looking at her appraisingly, she suddenly feels self-conscious and takes a few quick steps to the bed and slides under the duvet. Steve pulls off his jeans and socks and slips in next to her. They assume what has quickly become their customary snuggling position, arms wrapped around each other, her head tucked into his neck. Alice shifts slightly and feels something poke against her stomach. This is...new. Briefly she wonders whether to just pretend she hasn't noticed, but she can feel from his sudden stillness that Steve has already noticed her noticing. Not sure how to react, she makes a questioning "Uh huh?" sound.

"Sorry. It just...does that...sometimes."

"Well, it was bound to, er, come up eventually." she quips, grimacing even as she says it. But the corny joke defuses the tension and his body relaxes again.

"I can try and think about something else?" offers Steve, but he doesn't move away from her.

"I haven't...done anything...with one of those...for a while."

"It's okay, we don't have to do anything at all."

They lay still for a few seconds that feel like hours and then Alice softly, deliberately, presses her lips to his collarbone. Steve exhales the breath he hadn't realised he was holding and bends his head to kiss her.

Her hands are under his t'shirt, stroking his back. He pulls off the shirt, and she does the same for the pretty new nightdress. Small rounded breasts push against his chest. Everything about her is slight and neat and smooth.

He moves down to kiss them, murmuring "Is this okay?"

"Mmm mm"

"And this? And this?"

"Yes baby. Yes please"

He'd pushed her knickers down past her hip bones, and now he realises she has wiggled out of them entirely. Quickly he pulls his own underwear off. Alice's hands stroke his buttocks (she's never encountered such a cute perky bottom!) and then brush his cock before pausing in an unspoken question. In answer, he pushes against her hand. She begins to stroke, slowly but with a little...flourish...of her fingers at the head that makes him gasp. He moves his hand to caress her inner thighs, and then again a questioning pause answered with an eager wiggle of the hips. He moves his thumb in slow circles, listening for changes in breathing that will guide him to the right spot and right rhythm. But it's hard to concentrate now that she has licked her fingers and the twirling thing has become even more intense. He kisses her neck and hears her breath catch. He licks, and sucks, and is rewarded with a low moan.

Coming up for air, he mutters "Should we uh, use something?"

"I'm on the pill, but..."

"I got tested. When I checked into the clinic. All clear."

"Me too. Who'd've thunk it, it was useful for something after all." 

Cupping his jaw with her hand, she kisses him, licking the sensitive inner edges of his lips with her tongue. Their bodies start to move together and when he enters her it's just another part of the gentle rocking and almost takes him by surprise. "Oh Lissy" he murmurs into her mouth, and feels her smile.

(November 1989)

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