Chapter 1: Another Start

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Y/N: Your name

L/N: Last name

'word': examples, sarcasm

"word": dialogue

*word*: action

word: thoughts



Since the day i returned to life- thanks to a friend -, it's been really quiet and peaceful. School's been a pain for me and the others but that's a normal thing-


-well, that and Koishi being in pain for trying to solve her equations

Koishi:"Math is sooooooo difficult!" Shouted Koishi in huge signs of annoyance

Kokoro:"It's not that hard"

She lifted her head from the desk

Koishi:"For you, since you're smarter..."

Kokoro:"It's not a thing about being smart, just of knowing what you're doing"

Kokoro proudly lifted her notebook, showing her math problems already done

Koishi:"Says the one with 10's on all her grades..."

Yeah, Kokoro's a class rep, she's the smartest and most perfect of us four for some reason...maybe she's been here for far longer than we thought

Satori:"What are you having trouble in?.."

Satori moved closer to Koishi to see her notebook-

Satori:"Koishi you haven't even started!"

Her notebook was completely empty, not a single problem solved...not even sums

Koishi:"Hehehe...b-but you can't blame me! It's really hard!" Said the green-haired youkai with annoyance

I, meanwhile, was spacing out, not paying attention on them until Kokoro brought me back by tapping my shoulder

Kokoro:"Want help?" She asked with her usual monotone voice

Y/N:"Huh-? Oh, no i think i'm fine..." I said as i returned my sight to my notebook

Kokoro moved closer, pressing against me to look over my book

Kokoro:"Something wrong? You also haven't done anything" Now her voice had a bit of concern

Y/N:"I'm just...thinking, don't worry"

What was i thinking of?..maybe Yukari's words before when she appeared with me


Me and the gap youkai were at the kitchen. She was sitting on the other side of the counter while i was just making some coffee for us

Y/N:"So, what was it that you needed?" I asked her as i server her cup

Yukari:"The others are asleep, yes?"

I nodded and served mine, sitting infront of her

Yukari:"You and your family weren't the first youkai to escape Gensokyo...and the barrier is also not holding up well" She said as she took a sip of her cup

Y/N:"The Great Hakurei Barrier? What with it? Is it getting damaged again?"

Yukari nodded

Yukari:"I'm certain that the orb incident wasn't actually your fault...or at least not from you specifically"

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