Chapter 6: A Normal Day at the Beach...well, Sort Of

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Y/N's PoV

The next day had arrived, it was really early but i had to pack up some things before the time to leave came...unfortunately i was down by some bucks thanks to the bet done to Renko just a day ago

Y/N: I didn't think she would be that good at those games, she destroyed me...

Specifically speaking, DDR and games that included throwing a ball, but that was a thing to worry about at some other time. Koishi and the others were awake by now playing among themselves on the living room, i have little to no idea about what they could be playing but let them be while i got ready

Y/N: Alright...i think that's set-!

Suddenly, a loud noise coming from the room where they played at caught my attention and made me stop everything that i was doing, i quickly ran in scared that something bad happened, not wasting a single second

Y/N: "What happened!? Is everyone okay-!?" However, i stopped on my tracks after my gaze landed on Koishi and Kokoro on the corner of the room, where Koishi was constantly hitting Kokoro with a guitar while she protected herself with a cardboard shield

Renko: "Oh hey Y/N, came to join us?" Asked Renko holding a cardboard sword standing besides Maribel who wielded a toy wand

Y/N: "No- what's going on? Why's Koishi hitting Kokoro?..did she scare her with the go kar- vacuum again?" From how many times she's called it that it stuck onto me...

Maribel: "Oh! We were playing Dungeons and Dragons"

Satori: "Koishi is the bard" Both Maribel and Satori explained, the latter standing behind the door i opened with a slingshot in her hands

Y/N: "And...why's she hitting Kokoro with the guitar?" The sound of the guitar bashing stronger on Kokoro interrupted us, somehow she didn't seem hurt by it and the guitar wasn't near breaking

Renko: "Oh, about that..."

Maribel: "She ran out of spell slots, and rolled a nat20"

Y/N: "And that's what she chose to do..? Good thing she's a youkai..." I whispered the last part under my breath to not blow their cover to the duo at my side

Satori: "The guitar or Kokoro?" Somehow though Satori managed to hear me

Y/N: "...i think both, actually"

Koishi: "I win, Kokoro!" Exclaimed happily Koishi still hitting Kokoro with the guitar which i had no idea where she got from

Kokoro: "Is this how instruments are played..?"


The sun had come out completely and all of us arrived to our destination, that being the beach where we swapped into swimming clothes to feel more comfortable and in case we entered the water

Renko: "Whew! Feels like i hadn't been here in forever!" Said Renko looking around to examine the surroundings, carrying most things to set down once we found a spot

Maribel: "Yes, it sure does..."

Koishi and Kokoro seemed impatient after seeing the shiny water that was inviting them in, an expected reaction from Koishi's part as Kokoro might only be mimicking her

Y/N: "Yes Koi, you two can go" I gave her permission knowing she wanted to, to which both of them nodded and ran off into the sea

Maribel: "I'll go look after them, don't worry" Assured Maribel with a smile, taking off her hat and handing it to Renko to then walk towards the water

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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