Chapter 5: Preparations for the Departure. Clothes Shopping

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Y/N's PoV

Koishi:"Lets go to the beach!" Suddenly shouted out Koishi lifting a bulletin advertising a hot springs not so far from the city

Satori, Kokoro, Koishi and i were sitting around the house's table as she suddenly came up with the idea, bringing it to us to get our opinion

Y/N:"What with this out of a sudden?" I asked curiously, reaching to get the bulletin and look through it

Koishi:"I feel like i deserve a break, math was so difficult this week and i just want some rest for myself and Y/N-nii!"

Her gaze landed on the other two girls after a second, getting her to shake her head for a moment and correct her words

Koishi:"-myself and everyone here!"

Y/N:"Don't bother, Kokoro and Satori are both deeply asleep" I assured her, turning over to the two girls who had their heads down on their arms

Koishi:" are we going?"

Y/N:"I'm not sure...we said we'd investigate on who this mysterious mage was, and we still have class tomorrow too...says it'll only be open during Friday this week- wait what kind of beach is this that's only open for one day!?"

Koishi:"Eh?" The green haired kid leaned forward to get a look of the bulletin, blinking twice after reading through it again

Just as we were speaking, my phone began vibrating as a message had arrived to it. I took it out of my pocket hurriedly and looked into it, seeing a message from my school's group chat

Y/N:"Class is...canceled from tomorrow to Friday? What for?" I wondered outloud as i brought a hand to my chin, examining the message sent by Mr Mason

Koishi:"Hooray! Beach!" Shouted in excitement the youkai girl throwing her hands to the air, smiling as cheerfully as the eye can tell

Y/N:"I'm still not sure if we should go Koi...i mean, what if the mage gets to us while we're unaware?" I wondered as i kept looking into the group chat, Mason had said no reason for class being canceled, yet if he said it then it must be true...

Satori:"Think about it, going there could lure whoever the mage is right to us" Satori spoke up giving signs of being awake, lifting her head from her arms

Koishi:"Uwah!? You were awake 'nee-chan!?" Exclaimed Koishi in a surprised tone, taking a step back after being startled

Satori:"I was awake this whole time, tried to get Y/N to pat me...seems it didn't work"

Y/N:"Oh so that's why you were pulling my hand in your sleep..."

Koishi turned to look at Kokoro, tilting her head as she pointed to her

Koishi:"And Kokoro was doing the same?"

Satori reached to poke her, then gently pushed her head to let her face show, letting us see that she was snoring quietly with a peaceful expression

Satori:"No, she's asleep for real" She letted go and placed Kokoro's head back how it was before

Koishi:"I see..."

Meanwhile they were discussing that, i thought in my head what we should do regarding those aspects told of the beach, Satori had a good point on what we could do for this

Y/N:"That's not a bad idea...going there will leave us wide open, letting that magician search for us and try something, then with all of our power combined we can capture him!"

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