Day 21: The River

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Prompt: River

Wait are you wishing to read this story? Cool but this one compared to the rest is different and will be the only one like this, I think my biggest fear is death, and if I'm truly worthy to enter heaven one day, I believe that I am, but anyhow what if Death meets the man who conquered the grave? I understand if you don't want to read this one because of my religious beliefs as a Christian, but if you are willing to read with open eyes and not be rude then continue on if not the next stories will be back and up to speed.

The souls moan as the keeper of the boat reaches out his bony hand, "Pay for your passage." Two copper coins from an old woman, silver and copper coins from a military man, two gold coins from the king of the past. The souls of the living are never ones that cause the problems for the carrier of souls, is when gods die. The Greek gods when their Patheon died they angrily demanded to be released, and with no coins, they faded into history.

The other gods of the old are fading souls but the carrier never forgot the day only one man entered his boat and changed the soul-carrying system. It was like no other, the souls moan and shook as they entered the land of the dead, this one day however shook the land as he entered. "Sir," he looked over at a man, "Pay for your passage?" he asked as two coins fall into his box.

The man was the only person in the line, "What do you believe?" the man asked the carrier of souls, "That I take you down this river and you are to get off and to enter death like the rest of the souls." The man smiled at the carrier, "I see death sure is cruel, you know this is my final mission, as of today." The carrier looked at him, "What type of human were you?" the man looked over, "Me, I was a carpenter's child and a child of—" he was cut off when the keeper of the souls stopped the boat.

He smiles his evil smile, "I'm taking this one now." The carrier looked at the man who was already next to the evil one. "Welcome, welcome, you know I was thinking he already saved you." The man started to glow, "You know how this works. But, let's take this away from here." They vanished and the carrier returned to the loading dock. When the carrier looked around the only difference was the land on the dead had a different path instead of waiting in the line to board the boat, those who knew that man, all took a different path.

The gods of the past came and always mentioned the same names the carrier was surprised how long some stayed around, like the Buddha, and the gods of Hinduism, and Shintoism. The three in one package, three different beliefs but the same God, interesting two believe in the man who road the boat, the other believes he's still to come. Death was never the same though not after that day. The carrier wonders if he'll ever see the nice man again and talk to him about his life and journey.


Some stories can be creepy when you allow what actually happened to settle in your mind. 

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