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You walked into the "seemingly" abandoned toy factory and looked around. You weren't sure what the note meant by "We're still here" and "Find the flower," but you came anyways.

You do the usual things, I don't feel like writing the process sorry.

"Well, that's an odd-looking toy."
You looked up at the weird blue thing; maybe it's supposed to be a sloth. If so, it's a weird-looking sloth.

You suddenly got the extremely stupid idea, "Why not have some fun while I'm here?" It'll certainly make this less boring.

So you looked around and eventually came back to the odd toy. "Perfect."

You gently caressed the toy's leg. "You come round here often, pretty thing."
You almost died of laughter by saying that, but continued.

"Listen, I'm sorry, but it would never work out."
You said it in the most dramatic way possible.
"I have to go now. Farewell, hot stuff!"
You walked over to the door and almost electrocuted yourself because you're an idiot.

However, as you went into the electrical room, you couldn't notice the eyes staring you down.

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