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You aren't sure how long you were asleep since the only light in the room was from some butterfly-shaped hanging lamps.

When you took more time to look around your environment, lots of huggy merchandise was around the room, so it's probably his room.

Speaking of huggy, he wasn't in the room with you, or at least you couldn't see him.
"Ok, you know what."
"This is sweet and all, but I've still got to figure out what's behind that flower, and being here isn't helping me none."

You got up from the pile of hugs, and some seemed to cling to you. Scratch the fact that they were clinging to you.

They were still sleeping, but they refused to let go of you, so you just went along with the ones that stayed.
You made your way back to the door and opened it, not noticing how the mini huggies started to claw at your legs.

The area inside resembled a dollhouse, and surprise! there was a doll in the center of it all, inside a glass box.

You finally noticed that the mini-wuggys on your legs were shaking violently as you pulled the case open and heard a voice.

"You opened my case..."

Just one hug! Wait stop running!!Where stories live. Discover now