Chapter 20

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-Kiyama Ena POV-

"Don't worry, Emma" said Mikey. "We're almost to the hospital"
'Emma... why... why did you...'
"Ena-chan" I looked up to Mikey.

"She... she pushed me to the side" I whispered. "She saved me..."
"Mikey?" it was Emma.
"Emma-chan!" said Takemichi.

"I can't... move" she said. "Oh... yeah... I was... hit by that bike... Is... is Ena okay?"
"She's fine" said Mikey. "You saved her"
"I'm glad" she smiled.

"Emma, do you remember?" asked Mikey. "Back when you were five, you chased after me... and then fell off the jungle gym and broke your leg. I haven't had to carry you like this since that time"
"Hey" she said. "If something happens to me..."

"You dummy. Nothing's gonna happen" said Mikey.
"Tell Draken for me" she said. "Ken-chan, I love you... Okay?"
"Tell him yourself" said Mikey.

"Ena... you better marry my brother when you're older" she said and started to cry. "I always wanted you to be my sister... Takemitchy... take care... of... Mikey and Ena for me... 'Kay?"
Her hands weren't holding Mikey anymore...
"Emma?" I said.

"Emma... Emma?!" said Mikey. "Hey! I promised Ken-chin I'd keep this a secret, but... Ken-chin... he loves you, ya know. The feeling's mutual. So, once we get to the hospital... I'll call Ken-chin over right away. Okay? Emma! Emma...?"
I started to cry even harder...

'No... Emma...'
"Takemitchy" said Mikey. "My jacket... put it over Emma"
"Huh?" said Takemichi.

"Emma... She's getting... kinda cold" said Mikey.
"Mikey-kun!" Takemichi started to cry as well.
"I have this dream... that one day... you'll have a kid..." said Mikey. "And Ken-chin will build a house. Whenever I come over, Ken-chin will totally ignore you. And we'll drink and laugh over the same old stories about the good old days, like we always do"

"Mikey-kun!" cried Takemichi.
"I'll stay late into the night" said Mikey. "Then eventually, I'll call Mitsuya or Takemitchy to come over... and we'd have a blast... we'll end up waking the baby... and you'll totally flip out on me, making Ena-chan laugh"


At the hospital, they pronounced Emma dead...
Mikey was holding me as I cried...
"Come outside with me" said Draken to Mikey.

"I called Chifuyu over" said Takemichi. "He should be here soon"
"Ena-nee!" Chifuyu ran to me and Mikey left, knowing that I was safe.
"Chifuyu!" I hugged him tight. "Emma... she's... she's gone!"

"I'm sorry" he whispered and patted my hair.
"She saved me!" I cried. "It was supposed to be me! If she hadn't... if she hadn't pushed me away... I..."

"Stop it" he said and grabbed my face in his hands. "Don't blame yourself. You don't know if it was you they were after. It's not your fault, Ena-nee. So don't blame yourself!"
"Hina" I said. "I need to call Hina..."


Mikey came back all beaten up...
"Mikey-kun" said Takemichi. "This might seem like... a real thoughtless thing to say right now, but... today's our showdown with Tenjiku. Mikey-kun... without your orders, we can't make our move. Mikey-kun. The one who... killed Emma-chan was Kisaki! Knowing him, he probably did some crafty shit... to make sure he'd never get caught by the cops. Mikey-kun... I'll fight Tenjiku alone if I have to"

He started to walk away and I pushed Chifuyu away.
"Go" I said.
"Ena-nee..." he said.

"You're the only one Takemitchy will listen to" I said. "You're the only one who can stop him. Go, please. I'll be fine"
"Okay..." he said and ran after Takemichi.

I sat down next to Mikey and this time, I took him in my arms.
"I'm sorry... Mikey" I whispered. "It should've been me..."
"No" said Mikey and hugged me tighter. "It's not your fault... I'm just... glad you're not hurt, Ena-chan"


-Matsuno Chifuyu POV-

'Sorry, sis... But... I'm not stopping Takemitchy'
"Listen up, everyone!" I shouted at the gathering. "Just a little while ago, our leader's younger sister, died in an accident. Of course, our leader won't be participating in today's battle against Tenjiku. Same with our vice-leaders"

"Huh? What're we gonna do?"
"If we don't have our top three guys, how're we even supposed to fight?"
"That's right" said Inui. "An army without a king is just a mob. There's a 100% chance we'll lose. We shouldn't be fighting today"

"He's right"
"This is no time for a fight anyway!"
"We should back out"

"Good point" said Takemichi. "If we back out now and prepare, we might have a chance of winning. But... Toman is going after Tenjiku tonight"
"Huh?!" everyone shouted.

"The fuck're you goin' on about, asshole?!"
"Toman can't do anything without Mikey-kun!"
"Who put you in charge, dickhead?!"

"Better stop fuckin' around!"
"Go and fight 'em yourself!"
"What a load of horse shit"

"Fuck this noise"
"At the very least, we should wait until our leader's back on his feet"
"This meeting is over!"

"Well, this doesn't surprise me" I said.
"Everyone's right" said Takemichi. "But... if we don't fight today, we'll be playing right into Kisaki's hands"
"So? What now?" I asked.

"Even if I have to do this alone... there's no going back now!" he said.
"Yeah... my sister is totally going to kill me" I said and he looked at me. "Let's make this a double suicide. I want to kill Kisaki for almost killing my sister"
"Chifuyu... thanks man" he said.

"It won't just be the two of you!" shouted Akkun. "I'm going with you! Takemichi! This is how it always is! You're the only one who never runs away, Takemichi!"
"Me too!" shouted the other friends.
"Takemitchy's not the type to pick fights he knows he's gonna win" it was Smiley... "I snuck outta the hospital!"

"Smiley-kun?!" said Takemichi.
"He's an idiot, you know?" said Mitsuya... "That's why Takemitchy never runs away"
"Mitsuya-kun!" shouted Takemichi.

"Take these two along, will ya?" said Mitsuya.
"You're not carrying Toman's burden all by yourself" said Angry.
"Ya got that, lifesaver?!" shouted Hakkai.

"Are you guys insane?" asked Inui.
"The odds are against us!" I shouted. "But if we run away now, then that's the end of Toman! We got no choice but to prove to them! That even without Mikey-kun Toman's not gonna lose this fight!"
Most people were on board, we were still outnumbered... but... we're not alone anymore.


"Everyone get in position!" I yelled when we arrived.
I looked up and saw Kisaki.
"That bastard Kisaki's just gonna watch from up there?" I said.

"That's how he is" said Takemichi.
"So, if we don't beat Tenjiku, then we can't reach him" I said. "What a fucking weasel"
"Tenjiku's 400 versus Toman's 50" said Izana. "What can you do against these impossible odds?! Try to keep it entertaining, Toman!"

"I'm taking on today's leading battle!" shouted Madarame. "Former leader of the Black Dragons! One of Tenjiku's big four! Shion Madarame!! Which one of you from Toman is gonna face me?!"
"Leading battle? What's that?" asked Takemichi.
"It's a ritual the S-62 generation's really into" said Yamagishi. "It's a one-on-one that builds up to an all-out confrontation"

"I see" said Takemichi. "For today's showdown, the one to lead the way's gotta be me!"
"C'mon now, Toman! Quit screwing around!" shouted Madarame. "Mikey, Draken, Kaida, Mitsuya and Smiley. You don't have any of your central members! You didn't even pick a guy to take the leading battle?!"

"I'll take you on" said Peh-yan and walked to the front.
"Peh-yan-kun!" said Takemichi.
"You're the acting leader today" said Peh-yan. "So just sit back!"

Peh-yan knocked Madarame out with one hit.
'Heh, Ena-nee was right. He's a dumbass, but he's crazy strong'
"Let's do this!" shouted Takemichi and the battle started.


"Follow me, Takemitchy!" I yelled. "I'll do whatever I can to make a path to Kisaki! You gotta kick that bastard's ass! And kick it extra hard for what he did to my sister!"
Izana knocked out Peh-yan, we were all surprised...
'Crap... not even Ena-nee could fight against him...'

I saw Mocchi ready to attack Takemichi...
"Hold it right there, you Sonuva bitch!" I yelled and kicked him in the face.
"Chifuyu?!" shouted Takemichi.

"Get up, you meathead gorilla" I said. "You're fighting me!"
Takemichi was fighting the guy my sister knocked out in one kick.
"Takemichi!" I shouted, I was just in time to block Mocchi's attack.

"Eyes front and centre, asshole!" shouted Mocchi.
"Tch! Outta my way, you damn gorilla tank" I said.
'Still, I thought it was just because he sucker-punched me before, but this bastard actually is strong!'

I saw Angry and Hakkai working together against the Haitani brothers.
"Angry and Hakkai?!" I shouted. "That's a seriously bad combo..."
They were already arguing between themselves...

"Those two really are screwed..." I said. "'Cause they're both the youngest! Since they're the youngest, they both got coddled and carried all their flaws with them!"
"Chifuyu! I'll kill your ass!" shouted Hakkai. "You're the youngest yourself!"

"Don't lump me in with this huge moron!" shouted Angry. "I'll tell Kaida!"
"Would you guys cut it out already?!" I shouted.
'Though... they do have a point...'

Though, they lost...
Angry began to cry and kicked both the Haitani brother's asses in one go...
"Get back here, Mocchi!" I shouted when my opponent wanted to kick Angry's ass. "I'm not done with..."

But, Angry kicked his ass before I could finish my sentence...
"Huh? Mocchi?" I said. "No way! Are you really the same angry?!"
I ran to Angry, he was amazing!
"That was so badass, Angry-kun!" I shouted. "Did you see that, Takemitchy?!"
"What the hell just happened?!" asked Takemichi.


-Kiyama Ena POV-

We arrived at the battle scene.
To be honest, it was still a lot to process what Hina had told us...
Everyone was so beat up...

"I didn't lose!" shouted Takemichi. "Leader!!"
"Thank you, Takemitchy" said Mikey.
We walked down and while Mikey walked to Takemichi, I walked to my brother.

"What happened to stopping Takemichi?" I sighed.
"Sorry" said Chifuyu.
"You knew, didn't you?" I asked and he was surprised. "About who Takemitchy really is"

"Heh?!" he said.
"Thank you" I smiled. "You saved me, Chifuyu. I was supposed to die, but didn't. You carried that around on your own. I'm very proud of you, Chifuyu"
"Ena-nee..." he began to cry and I took him in my arms.
"I'm so proud of you, brother" I whispered.

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