chapter 1: old place.

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Frisk pov.
All systems are failing! I'm going down! I need to find a place to land. But all I see is the wrap zone. The wrap zone is a place where it wraps you to different places. but for some reason as I was in here my controls were not functioning! This must be the magnetic force from the ebott quadrant. That mean I'm close. I need to move all power to the engine's. I must get there. I must learn it history. We already were taught about it on youspace. Where a hologram get to teach you things and history. But I'm always the type to learn it in person. After sometime of finding stuff and building my own spaceship. I was able to go to space. It been 40 days of traveling. Now I'm close. I see the exit of the wrap zone. I appear out. I'm going head first into the ground. I brace for impact! My ship crashed as I was knock unconscious. After Awhile I finally regain consciousness. I open my eyes. I strap my self into my pod to survive the crash. Looks like I did. I open my pod up. I fell head first into the floor. How long was I put. I dont see any fires. I got up. I went toy control room. It a wreck. I dont see anything online. I went to the exit of my spaceship. I open it up to a light. I walk out. Where am I? Everything looks old. I look up and see space. Wait I can breath? I took a deep breath. Yup there oxygen. I grab my holomap. It looks like it blank. That means it doesn't know where I am? So this must be ebott than! I did it! I made it to ebott. My holomap gave out. Looks like I have to go in blind. I check my clothes. Yup they are fine. I'm wearing a blue with yellow stripes sweater. My grandma made it for me. My shorts are just yellow. With blue and yellow shoes. I check my brown hair. I'm ready! I looked around as I walked. Looks like old ruins or something. I wonder what planet I'm on? I wonder if I'll met the monsters here! Oo I'm so excited! The ground feels real under my feet. It like stepping on ground on my planet. There rocks everywhere. As I keep walking I went though a weird door way. It must lead to a important part of this place. I than see something gray. I went close. It looks like a star? I step closer to it. ?: "hm?" It turn around. This star has a face! "Uh. Hi" I doesn't look happy. It looks sad. ???: "hi. Where did you come from?" I pointed behind me. ???: "you came from there? But there no entrance there. Unless. You crashed landed here didn't you?" He knows but me crashing? What a weird star. "Uh. I would have landed but something caused my ship to stop working. So I crashed landed" looks like this star already knew. ???: "I should have known. Now your stuck here with all of us" stuck? What does he mean? ???: "I may as well introduce my self. Boogie the flower" boogie? That a weird name. "I'm frisk! Nice to met you!" Boogie: "a bit loud dont you think?" Was I? I guess I'm excited to be somewhere fill of history! Boogie: "if you think everything is all happy and sunshine. You have to think again. Down here everyone will kill you" why do they want to kill me? Is the legend true? Boogie: "since your here I may as well show you how things work here. *sigh*" what does he mean? Than everything went dark and gray.
(🌟 battle begin🌟)
Where did the colours go? I looked infront of me. A red star appeared. Boogie: "what? You never seen a soul before? Why the hell did I have to do this?" He sounds very down. Boogie: "that star shape is your soul. Your very life" my very life? I saw a something green. What is that? It has a number 20 next to it. Boogie: "that there is your health bar or hp for short" hp? Like a video game? Boogie: "your hp is 20 because your lv is 1. If you want higher hp. You will need to grain love" love? "Like hugging people?" Boogie: "what? No it just a friendly term for exp" exp? Sound just like a video game. Boogie: "To get exp. I'll let you figure that out your self" that sound hard. Boogie: "this star here will deal no damage at all. You can just stand there or go near it I don't really care so to show what you need to avoid" he send it at me. I stand still. Than it hit me. I fell onto my knees. That really hurts! Boogie: "looks like it damage you. Alot. I didnt see that coming. But I guess I'll have to end you" Than little stars appear around me. Boogie: "nothing personal. I just want to be left alone" they slowly come to me. ???: "GET AWAY FROM THAT CHILD!!" Than out of no where a bone was send at boogie. Hitting him across the place. The flower petals disappeared. Than something appear infront of me. Looks like a skeleton. ???: "ARE YOU OK? I CAME HERE AS FAST AS I CAN WHEN I HEARD NOISES!" He very tall. He wearing blue and yellow outfit. He holds out his hand. ???: "STAND UP HUMAN. LET ME GET A GOOD LOOK AT YOU!" I took it and he pull me up. ???: "YOU ARE HURT! HERE LET ME HEAL YOUR WOUNDS!" He place his hand on my head. I can feel my wounds disappearing. What did he use? Papyrus: "NOW ILL INTRODUCE MY SELF. I AM PAPYRUS. THE GUARDIAN OF THIS PLANET! I CALL IT THE RUINS BUT MOST MONSTERS CALL IT OLD PLACE!" Old place? I mean it does look old but it had history! Papyrus: "GOODTHING I GOT HERE QUICK! IT BEEN AGES THE LAST TIME HUMANS GOT HERE! YOU ARE THE FIRST IN A LONG TIME!" Really? "Well I crash landed here. My ship is destroyed" it took me awhile to make it. A bit sad. Papyrus: "WELL NOT TO WORRY! YOU ARE PERFECTLY SAFE NOW THAT IM HERE! FOLLOW ME THERE A PLACE MORE SAFE THAN HERE!" He holds out his hand. I took it. He than started walking. Than the colour came back. I look behind me to see boogie disappear. I wonder where he went. I than followed papyrus to the next area. There are walls and door ways. There even hologram writing boards on the walls. The walls looks like it really old like ancient old. It makes me excited that I'm standing in history's. I keep following papyrus. Papyrus: "HERE IN THE UNDERGROUND YOU WILL FIND PUZZLES! YOU MUST SOLVE THEM TO GET AROUND! TRY THIS ONE!" There are buttons on the wall. There a hologram arrow point to it. I guess this is the right button? I push it. The barrier that was block our way disappeared. Papyrus: "WELL DONE. YOU MAY HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO DO THE OTHER PUZZLES! FOLLOW ME!" He than started walking. Are all puzzles like that? I hope not. We continue walking. Than we appear infront of a dummy? A yellow dummy. Papyrus: "IN THE UNDERGROUND MONSTERS WOULD COME UP TO YOU AND CHALLENGE YOU! WHEN THAT HAPPEN HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH THEM! YOU MAY LEARN A THING OR TWO ABOUT THEM! TRY IT ON THIS DUMMY!" I walk up to the dummy. Than everything went Gray and dark. I saw buttons appear. Fight, act, items and spare. I don't want to click that fight button so i chose act. "Hello" the dummy replie. I feel really embarrassed. Than there name went yellow. My spare button lights up. I push it. There also a run button. I push spare ending the battle.
(🌟You won! You got 0g and 0 exp!🌟)
Papyrus: "WELL DONE! NOW CONTINUE FOLLOWING ME! WE HAVE A LONG WAY!" I started walking. We than got to a big area. I look up to see space. I wonder how this place got it oxygen. Papyrus: "IT VERY PEACEFUL UP THERE. LUCKY WE USED MAGIC TO CREATED A OXYGEN BALL AROUND THE PLANETS!" Magic? Papyrus: ""I FORGOT TO MENTION THAT I CAN USE MAGIC! IT HOW WE MAKE THINGS WORK!" We than got to a big area. Papyrus: "HUMAN CHILD. I WANT YOU TO STAY HERE UNTIL I GET BACK! RIGHT NOW. IT A MESS! I WANT TO DO SOME CLEANING UP OK?" I nodded. He than hand me a phone. Papyrus: "USED THIS TO CALL ME WHEN YOU ARE IN TROUBLE! I WILL COME RUNNING TO YOUR SIDE OK?" I nodded. He than left. I looked at the phone. It different than the ones we have at my home. Our phones are little tap screens with hologram buttons. It can also turn on with voice commands if you want. This one has no buttons. The button appears when you want to type something. I can still tap the screen. It so cool! I sat there playing with my phone. Learning what it has. It has texts. Phone calls which I phone papyrus to see what he up too. Lately I been hear he chasing a dog on a hover board? I dont know. It been 10 minutes. I may as well go and explore! He won't mind right. I looked around as I went to the next area. I read the hologram boards to know where I am. Than I see a frog? It wearing a space suit. It hop towards me. Everything turn gray and dark.
(🌟 Battle begins 🌟)
"Frogit hop close to you darling!" Hm? Where did that come from? I looked around. I dont see anyone here. I than turn my attention to the frog. "Hi there! I'm frisk!" He looked at my confused. "He doesn't know what you are saying. He hops happily. Nice darling!" looks like it happy. Than I saw flies coming at me. I started dodging them. Looks like I can move around to dodge what must be attacks. Than there name turn yellow. I click spare.
(🌟 You won! You got 1g and 0 exp! 🌟)
I see him hopping away happy. I than ran into another puzzle. I placed stones on buttons. One of them keeps floating up. I have to keep putting it down. I than got into battle. There was a flie looking thing with a jet pack. I than spare it. I did another puzzle and spare more monsters. I than got into a room with a table and a bowl. It have something in it. I grab one. "You got space candy!" There that voice again. I don't know where it coming from? It really creepy. I than did more puzzles. Spare more monsters. I than got into a room where I see a blue sheet. I step on it. ???: "ow!" I stumble back. Who did I step on? Than the blue sheet started going up. Is that a ghost! I see eyes open. ???: "o-oh uh. S-sorry I didn't mean to get in your way!" They sound nervous. ???: "w-wait. Are you. A human!?" Than it for some reason send the sheet up. I took a good look at them. A lizard? It quick grab it and pull it down to them. ???: "s-sorry! You never seen a monster like me before. I hope I didn't scare you" not really. "What your name? I'm frisk!" I made sure to smile. Alphy: "m-me? O-oh i-im a-alphy. Sorry if I'm s-stuttering" I don't mind. "It ok. I get nervous when meeting new people" alphy: "r-really? Me too! Some many words goes thought my head! Does it do to you too?" I nodded. "Yup! I always think I'm going to mess up" we than keep talking and talking. Alphy started warming up to me. It almost like they can speak normal. Alphy: "if I'm being honestly. I never talk this much before to anyone. It great to met someone can feel the same way" I smiled. "Me too" they than turn around. Alphy: "sorry that i can't stay for long. I have to get home. I hope to see you again" they than waved as they are leaving. I waved back. I'm glad I could help her. I continue walking. I saw spiders? There still spiders alive? I heard about them but I never thought they existed. I read a pamphlet. It says space spider bakery up to my lefted. I into the room where the bakery is at. There are metal tables with plates on them. Spiders were around them. The webs holds the signs of what there is. Space spider roll. Space spider juice. I don't know about the sound of that but I brought them. I see a spider struggling with bring something. I than grab it for it. I hand it to the little spider. Yha I think it waved thank you? I dont know. I than continue walking until got infront of a tree. It has blue leaves with glass around it. I than see a house. Papyrus came from inside of that tree. Papyrus: "TIME TO CALL- HUMAN! HOW DID YOU GET HERE! ARE YOU ALRIGHT! HERE LET ME HEAL YOU!" My wounds got healed again. Papyrus: "I KNEW I SHOULDNT HAVE LEFT YOU. THIS IS WHAT I GET FOR PREPARING SOMETHING! COME CHILD. COME INSIDE OF MY HOME!" He than went inside. I see something glow yellow. I went up to it and hold out my hand. A black box appear with my name and lv. Than a save button appeared. I push it. "The feeling of being somewhere new and exciting. Fills you with determination!" It than said saved. I went inside.  Papyrus: "WELCOME TO MY HOME HUMAN!" The walls have stars on them. It yellow too. Papyrus: "TO YOUR LEFT IS WHERE THE KITCHEN AND LOUNGE IS! TO YOUR RIGHT IS WHERE THE BED ROOMS IS. YOUR ONE IS THE FIRST DOOR AS YOU ENTER THERE!" I nodded. I than smell something. It smells good. Papyrus: "YOU SMELL THAT? IT MY SURPRISE! I HAD IT PREPARE FOR YOU! IT CALLED SPAGHETTI!" Spaghetti? That sound really good. Papyrus: "WHAT THAT BURNING SMELL? OH NO! ILL BE RIGHT BACK! HAVE LOOK AROUND WHILE I GET THE SPAGHETTI!" He than raced off. I went down the hallway to my right. There are three rooms. The first one I believe is mine. The second I can't enter. The third I believe is papyrus. I walk in there. It clean. There a dairy tablet on the table. It used to record anything you write on. It looks like it on. I only read two pages. It nothing special. I left and stand infront of a mirror. I looked at my self. "Look darling! It you!" Yup it me. Nothing special. I than went to the lounge. I see papyrus sitting on a chair. Reading a book. I walk up to him. Papyrus: "ENJOYING UOUR SELF HUMAN? THE SPAGHETTI IS STILL HOT SO YOU WILL HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL IT COOL DOWN! WHY DONT YOU HAVE A NAP? YOU LOOK TIRED" I nodded. "Ok! Good night!" Papyrus: "BEFORE YOU GO. MAY I ASK IF YOU CAN SEE?" Can see? Is he talking about my eyes being closed? "I can't see. But I really high sense. So I know where everything is!" He nodded. Papyrus: "OK. SWEET DREAMS!" I than went to the room that is mine. It just like papyrus but more for kids my age. I looked around into drawers and chest. There are toys everywhere. I than open on drawer. I saw a sword? I pick it up. It fake but it can still do damage. The option to take it with me appear. I chose not too. I than jump on to the bed. I rest my head on the pillows. I want to see more of this place! So there must be a exit. I'll ask after a goodnight sleep. I close my eyes as sleep quickly took over. "Zzzzzzz"

Liquid: the first chapter to my new book. Outershift! If you want to know what it about. It just like storyshift but in space. Technology went so far to the point when even kids can make a spaceship. I don't know who owns it but if no one wants it. I can be it owner. I mean I was told that I'm the first one to make a book about it. So I'm it owner than. Anyway there's going to be new names for these places. I'll let you all know next chapter. Peace!

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