happy birthday.

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Chara pov.
Another day. Another time to spend it all inside with my girlfriend. Or should I say. Spend it with everyone. Today is frisk birthday. Right now we are ready to surprise her. Asriel is keeping a look out until she get back. She at a meeting today and I already send a text to her to come back home when she done. Boogie is up in the sky. I looked around to make sure everything is ready. Boogie came to me. Boogie: "I see her in my hover car. She on her way here" I nodded. I double checked everything. We are ready. Asriel ran over to us. Asriel: "she here!" I nodded. "Hide everyone!" Everyone went to hide as I sat down waitting for her. Boogir float near me. She walked inside. "Hey babe" frisk: "hey Chara. How are you?" She place her bag down. Why does she carry it when it can hover next you? "Nothing much. Just minding my own" frisk: "minding your own? You make it sound like you were up to something?" Yup. I was. I snap my fingers. Than everyone appeared. Everyone: "SURPRISE!!!" We release the balloons and the banner. Toriel: "happy birthday child!" Asgore: "happy birthday little one!" Asriel: "today a special day frisk!" Undyne: "it your birthday!" Alphy: "w-we m-may it s-special for you" papyrus: "I MADE THE CAKE!" San: "I help put the decorations up" boogie: "I helped too" me. "I made sure everything is perfect" frisk: "today my birthday? I forgot it was! Thank you everyone!!" She went around to hug everyone. Than me. Frisk: "thank you chara!" I hug her back. "Anything for my babe" I winked making her blush. Papyrus: "NO FLIRTING!! IT A BIRTHDAY! NOT FLIRT DAY!" Papyrus. You know how to ruin my fun. "Flirt day. Is everyday. No need to rattle your bones" papyrus: "I SHOULDNT BE LAUGHING!!" San: "but your smiling" papyrus: "I KNOW!" We all laughed. Undyne: "let get this birthday started!" Undyne put something into her head. Than stereos appeared on her shoulder. She started playing the music. We all started talking. Laughing. Having fun as well. Playing games. Toriel: "Move right leg frisk" frisk: "ok" it a game of robot said. From what frisk told me the robot point to a color and says which body part we have to move. The only problem is that I'm on top fo frisk while she under me. "Something tells me that robot is doing this on purpose" but this is a perfect pose. I mean she holding her self really well. I can do it for a long time. Since my body is special. I could do this my eyes closed. Than we play red light. Blue light. Red light means move. Blue means stand still.we are not allow to move. Unless you want to be hit by a beam. Than we played guess the holo picture. Frisk guessed alot. Me. Fuck I don't know any. It been years since I been Here. After that we all just sat down and continue talking. Papyrus place the cake infront of her. Toriel light up the candles. "It time to make a wish" the moment of true. Frisk blow out the candles. I wonder what she wish for. Frisk: "I wish. For us all to enjoy our life and peace between each race" I kind of guess that. But still. It makes Me happy to hear. We ate some cake. Me and frisk are talking to each other. Frisk: "these gift are so amazing! Tools I need for making new things! Decoration for the house! Alot of things! But. Where yours?" I smriked. "After the party. I'll show you" it something special. Been planing it for awhile. But I'm glad to enjoy this day with everyone. It like we are a big family. A family I been missing for years. Watching all of them being happy. I can't stop my self from smiling. This is what I been wanting for years. Now it finally here. Now. I dont want anything to happen to it. We turn on the screen that comes out of the ground. Seeing what new on. Nothing much. Only showing new about humans and monsters. Papyrus: "TELL ME CHILD! HAS CHARA BEEN DOING. ANYTHING. DIFFERENT?" Great. Is he trying to make it sound weird. Frisk: "well we have only been kissing each other. What else do you mean?" Papyrus: "HAS SHE TOUCH YOU?" Ok. Now he getting weird. Toriel: "your highness? Don't you think you invading her privacy?" Papyrus: "I MUST PROTECT HER INNOCENTS! FROM HER!!" He point to me. "Hey. We are together. There are things that couples can do" Papyrus: "HER INNOCENTS ARE IMPORTANT!!" My God. San: "Pap. Let them love" thanks your highness. At least someone knows that how couples do. Frisk sat next to me as we just hang out. As the day goes on it became night time. We put the gift somewhere that no one knows. Frisk than let the holo cook bot make dinner. Frisk started using her new tools to make something. Boogie: "hey Chara. Where is your gift?" No one going to know. After all this is special. "After dinner. I'm taking her to my gift. Want to come with?" Boogie: "na. Something tells me it best to let you two go alone" glad he understands. Frisk is done. Frisk: "chara! Look!" She hold up something. Than a picture appeared. "What that?" Frisk: "this here is a holo picture. I wanted something to hold the picture I take. So I made this. What do you think?" I hold it. I looked at the picture. It all of us. We are smiling. Being happy. This maybe the best picture of all. "I like it. You could start your own business with the things you make. You can get alot of money" frisk: "that not why I made these. When I was making things with grandma. I wanted to sell them. I was about to leave until she stop me. She said that everything you make should be for you and your family. Money doesn't make it special. Family does. Ever since than I never sold anything I make. It too special for others to have" too special? Hmmm. Frisk?v "oh dinner ready!" I got up. We started eating dinner. Boogie join us as well. We talk about some stuff. After we done eating the robot started cleaning up our dishes. Frisk: "chara. When can I see your gift?" I looked at my phone. "Let go" I I up. Frisk: "where are we going?" I went to the door. "I'm taking you to my gift" she quick came over to me and grab my hand. We than step out of the building we live in. We took a hover car to get there. We got to the place I wanted us to go too. Frisk: "chara? Why are we here?" I looked around. She should be here by now. ???: "sorry!" I look to where that voice is. "Finally. I told you I was coming verse" verse: "I'm sorry! I was double checking if everything is ready" really? Frisk: "uh. Chara? Who this?" Oh right. "This is verse. We met last year. You can say we are friends" verse: "it nice to met you ambassador! I heard of what you did! I'm a big fan of yous!" Verse bow. "Hey buddy. There no need for that. Be your self" verse: "yes chara! Everything is in place! All you need to do is give the signal!" I nodded. Verse than went and to where she needs to be. I hope frisk is not jealous because verse is a girl. "Your alright babe?" Frisk: "Yup! She nice!" Good. I grab her hand. I than took her to a spot that I know is a good view of it. We sat down. Frisk: "I never been here before" good. "Frisk. I want you to know that your really special to me. More than I can say. I don't want to hide anything from you. That why. I have something to tell you" she looked at me curious. "I. I." God how do I say this? I don't want to make things weird between us. "I have a man part" is that right to word it like that? I mean. I do have a dick. Frisk: "are you saying that you have a penis?" Wait. Shouldn't she be freaking out? "Are you not surprised?" Frisk: "should I be? I knew of girls that have dicks" wait really. Frisk: "chara I used to research alot about girl because I'm interested in them" she research? Frisk: "wait. Chara were you thinking of using that to do that thing they called sex?" I nodded. I mean every night I would want to be inside of you. Frisk: "chara. You know I'm only 15 right?" Please don't take it the wrong way! "I promise that it was only a thought! Even when I feel like I want too I wouldn't. That not the only reason I brought you here anyway" I point to the sky. "Just watch" she Sat down next to me. Than fire works fire into space. They exploding. Making stars in the sky. Frisk: "chara. You knew" of course. "I may have read your dairy log while you were at work. Than I saw it so I thought why not make it be your gift" she hug me. Frisk: "I love it! Thank you chara!" But that not all. "There still more" she looked back. Than the fireworks made a m and f with a big love heart. There my gift. It keep going too. I text verse to thank her for setting them up. Frisk: "it must had cost alot to do this" yeah. "It did. But that the other surprise. I found a job" frisk: "really!" I nodded. "Yup. You remember grillby. I find out that his business is hiring. So I thought why not ask him and work for him" she hug me more. Frisk: "I'm so proud of you!!" Man I love her hugs. They make me feel special. "I wanted to do it for you. After all. You always working and everything. I wanted to help" she smiled more. Frisk: "I'm so happy! It good for you to keep moving you know that" don't have to tell me. She lean against as we watched the fireworks. Frisk: "this is the best birthday ever. And this gift is the best gift" I hold onto her. "I'm always wanting to do something for my babe" we stayed there in each other arms until frisk head home. "I'll be there soon" i waved as I walked up to verse. "Thanks again verse. You really help me" verse: "your welcome chara. I didn't know anything on how to work these so I had to stay up some nights to figure them out. I'm glad I could make the ambassador happy!" I looked a there soul. It blue. Integrity. "Tell me. You know how to use your soul?" Verse: "uh. No not really. We always told to never use our soul ability" really? "It ok to use it. But you must use it for a right reason. For me I'm using mine to protect my family. You should think about it" verse: "ok. Well I'll be heading home now. I have some arts to do at home" I waved. "Ok. See you when I will" I than walked to a point where she can't see me. So teleported home. I appeared in the lounge. I went upstairs. The door open and I see frisk and boogie a sleep. I slowly crawl into the bed. Than frisk wrap her arms around me. Frisk: "took you long enough my tebby bear" I wrap my arms around her. "I had to thank someone before I went" boogie: "just to let you know a lot of monsters would have saw it you know?" Frisk: "does matter if they seen it. I love chara" I smiled. "I love you too babe" she gave me a quick kiss before rubing her head on my chest. "Night babe. Night boogie" frisk: "night chara: boogie: "night you two. I hope you get sweet dreams" me too. I than close my eyes.

Liquid: there we go. Sorry if you were expecting a chapter for this. I wanted to finish off one of my books. So here the chapter. By the way the art belongs to Preverse2970 and her character belongs to her as well. I hope you like the way I made your character. If you wanted me to change something. Just let me know. I will. Anyway. Thanks for reading and peace!

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