genciode route 8: battle against the only universe protector.

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Frisk pov.
I slashed. But she dodge it. Metacritic attacks. She dodges it. She made knifes appeared. They all stab me and Metacritic. Taking our hp all the way to 0. We than die.
Chara: "this battle is only going to repeat. You wont win"
We appeared back. I can't believe Chara is this strong. It only makes me want her more! I was about to go to her. Metacritic: "wait. Darling stop" hm? "What?" Metacritic stand up. Metacritic: "I think I know away on how to win. But I need to make sure you listen" fine. I can't wait. "Make it quick. I need to kill chara" Metacritic: "ok. Well Chara is really strong. But so far we are getting close to hitting. Hopefully. But if we continue like this we won't be able win. So I think we should. Break the rules for a bit" break the rules? I never thought of that. But can we really break the rules? I'll have to see. "Alright. I'll go with it. I need to kill chara!" Metacritic: "ok. I'll let you know when to attack again" I nodded. I'm doing this for my self. Metacritic is only there to help me get what I want. We than head to where chara was waiting. She teleported us. Chara: "Took you awhile. I was wondering if you giving up. But since your here. That already answers my question"
(🌟 Battle begin 🌟)
Chara: "let get this over with" she did the same attack but made sure that the knifes were come from different directions. But we were able to dodge them. Chara: "not bad" she is floating while holding her knife. I chose fight. While Metacritic chose fight. I swing. She dodge it. Metacritic attacks. She dodge it. She than ready knifes and send them at us. We started dodging. Knifes was also coming out of the ground. We started dodging them. They knifes were really close to hitting us. But we dodge them. We chose fight. I slashed as she dodge it. Metacritic attacks as she dodge it. Than our souls turn red. She send knifes that are homing to us. Knifes come out of the ground infront of us trying to kill us. I got hit. Taking 70 damage. Metacritic got hit. Taking 50 damage. We dodge the rest. We than chose fight. I slashed. But chara dodge it. Metacritic slashed. Chara dodge it. Than she started slashing. They were fast slashes. Cutting all over the place. We could barely dodge them. Than she teleported and send a big slash. Hitting me. Taking 75 damage. We than chose fight. We attacked. She dodge them. She than lift up big rocks from the other planets and threw them at us. Knifes came with them. We started dodging them. How can she float. I wish I can. I could get right up to her face and kill her. Too bad I can't. We somehow dodge them. We chose fight. We attacked. She dodge it. Than somehow we started floating off the ground. I dont know how she got the power to make gravity go away. But it makes our moment speed really slow. Since we are floating. She threw out drones. She has drones and other gadgets with her. She came prepared. They started sending Soundblast at us. It pushes us right into knifes that come up. Lucky we have about one second to dodge them. They keep on firing. As we dodge the knifes. Getting pushed around is annoying. I'm trying to get as close as I can. But those soundblast keep hitting me back. Than Chara teleport top of me. She kick me down. I hit the ground really hard. Taking 76 damage. Metacritic: "your good?" I got up. "Oh chara! I want to kill you so bad!" I'm madly want to kill her. If she won't love me. Than no one will love her! The drones turn into laser drones. Me and Metacritic chose fight. We attacked. She blocked it. Metacritic: "don't break the rules yet darling. This is not the time" I nodded. The drones started firing at me as she teleported doing slashes. We are dodging. The slashes were really quick. But the lasers were shooting at a rapid speed. We were able to dodge them. Than the laser drones fired a big one. We were able to dodge it. I chose fight. Metacritic chose energy transfer. I slashed. She dodge. Metacritic used energy transfer. Restoring my hp to max. My attack his increased. Than she ready alot of knifes. She started teleporting. Sending knifes from where she teleport. Left. Right. Above. Under. She started teleporting really fast. But me and Metacritic were able to dodge them. But we couldn't dodge the big ones. I took 77 damage. Metacritic took 78 damage. We chose fight. We attacked. She dodges. She snapped her finger. Here comes the meteors. She made them appear somehow and they come at us. Hitting the area we are on sending there parts all over the place. Me and Metacritic started dodging them. The little parts were hate to dodge sometime. It just covers the whole area. We continue to dodge. We somehow dodge them without getting hit much. We chose fight. We attack. She dodged them. She summon alot of knifes around us. They were coming one by one. I got hit. Taking 79 damage. Fuck her knifes cut deep. We chose fight. We attacked. She dodged them. She slashed as waves of slashes came at me. They were cutting everywhere. Alot of them nearly hit me. Metacritic was making sure that they didn't get hit. Chara than send a big slash wave. Me and Metacritic somehow dodge it. I chose defend. Metacritic chose attack. Metacritic attacks. Chara dodge it. She started cutting the meteor that was coming. Alot of their pieces were coming at us. I got hit. Taking 76 damage. We continue to dodge. Metacritic is really focused. I wonder why? But we were able to dodge them. Chara closed her eyes. This is where I always die. I know that her just waitting for me to attack and she can counter with a slash. Metacritic: "chose fight" what? Is he serious? "This is where I die Metacritic. There will be no different if I chose it" Metacritic: "just do it" damn this ghost! He better have a plan! I chose fight. Metacritic chose fight. I attacked. She dodged. Metacritic attacks. She dodged. She ready to counter. Metacritic: "now!" My fight button appeared. I pushed it. I slashed at her. Dealing 234. 232. 231. There a cut on her cheek. Chara: "you. You slashed me? I" yes! Now I can finally kill chara! Chara: "you broke the rules. Looks like I'll have to show you what happens to rule breakers" what is she going to do. I was able to move but I couldn't? "What? Why can't I move?" Metacritic: "your not the only one darling! I can't move my body!" What going on. I see chara moving. Chara: "you may have slashed me. So I'll have to get serious" she summon knifes as they appear around me. Chara: "you should have stopped when you had the chance" than I sw the knifes move. That means time is about to move. I feel my self moving. I dodge the knifes just as they moved. Chara: "not bad. But that just the beginning!" We can now move. Metacritic: "darling she has the power to stop time! I didnt see this coming at all!" There right. If she can stop time than this is even harder than I thought. She stop time. Than she started teleporting. Throwing tesla grenades at us. Time started moving. As telsa started exploding. Sending spider nets at me. I was able dodge them by the last second. Metacritic got grabbed. Metacritic: "fuck! I can't move!" There turn is now skipped. I pushed fight twice. I'm going to hit her no matter what! I slashed and slashed. She dodge them both. She stop time. She made meteor appeared out of thin air. She slash there. Time started moving as the meteor pieces started coming really fast. How did she make them do that? I started dodging. The meteor nearly hit me. Than she appeared infront of me and slashed. It nearly hit me. But I was able to dodge it. I chose fight twice. I attacked. She dodge them. She stop time. She got the big knifes ready. She threw them with other knifes as well. I got hit by the big ones. Taking 81 damage. I was able to dodge the rest. Somehow. I really hate her time stop ability. It fucking hard to move. Metacritic is free. I chose fight twice. Metacritic chose fight. I attacked. She dodged. Metacritic attacks. She dodge it. I slashed again. Hitting her. Dealing 235. 236. 238 damage. Chara: "fuck!! You!" She stop time. She threw down auto turrets. Shw Made drones appear. Time started moving as they all started firing at us. Me and Metacritic started dodging. Lucky this area is big. We have enough space to run around. Than half of it ended up breaking off. Shit! We were able to dodge the them. Chara than made them exploded. Looks like she not going to let us touch. I than chose fight. This time I didn't push it twice. Metacritic chose fight znd push it twice. I attack. She dodged. Metacritic attacks. She dodged. Metacritic attack again. Dealing 229. 228. 227. Damage. You better not kill her before me! She stop time. She teleported and did some slashes. She left her slashes like they are stopped in time too. Time is moving and the slashes are close. She cut the air. Like it made of something. Her slashes cut though time. Causing them to appear all over the place. Metacritic got hit. Taking 67 damage. I continue to dodge. I somehow was able to dodge them all. Metacritic is OK. I guess. I chose fight twice. While Metacritic chose fight. I slashed. She dodged. Metacritic attack. She dodged. I attack again. Dealing 235. 236. 239 damage. Chara: "that it!!!" She stopped time. Than out of no where bones started appearing. What the hell!? How are bones appearing! Metacritic: "Papyrus?" Papyrus? Where? I than see a spirit of papyrus appear beside her. Chara: "you were like a father to her. A real parent. But now. I need your help to stop her!" Time continues as the bones started coming at us. How is she using papyrus moves! That impossible! Bones started coming out of the ground. I got hit. Taking 82 damage. We dodges the rest. I chose fight. Metacritic chose fight twice. I attack. She dodged. Metacritic attack. She dodges. Metacritic attacks again. Dealing 229. 228. 227 damage. Than electricity started striking the area. Alphy? Chara: "you were shy. You didn't know what to say. But still you fought when you life was endanger. Now I call for your help to win!" We continue to dodge. They were striking fast. Almost hitting me. Metacritic is dodging like there life is on the line. I can't believe she can use alphy attacks. The area we are standing on is breaking. We were able to dodge them. I than chose fight twice. Metacritic chose fight. I slashed. I missed. Metacritic slashed. She dodged. I slashed. Dealing 239. 240. 241. I see blood coming out of her mouth. Than blasters appeared. She stop time before they fired. Chara: "asriel. I should have went to you. I shouldn't have let her kill you. Now. Help me defeat her!" She summon knifes. Time started moving. They all started coming at us. We started dodging. They nearly hitting me. Metacritic is nearly getting hit too. Those blasters are firing much faster than asriel. There more too. The knifes are also not helping as well. We somehow dodge them. I than chose fight. Metacritic chose fight twice. I attack. She dodged. Metacritic attacks. She dodged. Metacritic attacked again. Dealing 229. 230. 231 damage. I see a slash mark on her chest. She stop time again. Fire balls appeared with meteors. Chara: "mother! I need your help! Help me stop her from killing the rest of the monsters! Lend me your fire!!!" Time continues as the fire balls come at me. They were hotter than toriel. Even faster. The meteors send little pieces at me. We continue to dodge. This shit is crazy! We have to dodge both the fucking fire balls and flame pillars! With the meteors. Of course I get hit. Taking 282. 283. 280 damage. Than spears appears. They were coming out of the area. Chara: "undyne! Let us work together to keep the monster safe! Show everyone what we can do!" continue to dodge. The spears are so close that my clothes are nearly being cut into small pieces. I can't stop! I must win! She can stop time but I will nor lose! She will die! I love you chara. But you chose to not love me! We were able to dodge them. I chose fight twice. I like the how we broke the rules. I didn't know it was possible. Metacritic chose fight. I slashed. She dodges. Metacritic attacks. She dodges. I slashed. Dealing 284. 285. 286. She puke out blood. Chara: "I. Can't stop. I can't. Lose control!" Than gaster blasters appeared. Chara: "san! I need your help!" Chara looks like she all beating up. She must be getting close to her limit. The gaster blasters fired as chara time stop. Blocking off some parts to running. Knifes came as well. Metacritic got hit. Taking 78 damage. We were able to dodge the rest. I chose fight but I push it three times. Metacritic chose Defend. She dodges the other two. But not the last one. Dealing 281. 280. 279 damage. She grip her chest. Than her eyes changed. Chara: "you know what! Fuck it!!!" Than out of no where she started slashing like it nothing. But what she did hit was the oxygen shield. It open up. Doing a vacuum pulling me and Metacritic. Bones and electricity started coming at us. Chara: "no one comes to help even when I ask too! I'm always on my own when fighting!!" We continue moving as well as dodging her attacks. The oxygen shield seal it self up as she send a big wave at us. I got hit. Taking 89 damage. I chose attack. I push it three times. Metacritic chose energy transfer. I attack. She dodge all three!? Than Metacritic used energy transfer. It restored my hp to max. She slashed the oxygen shield again. It started pulling us. Chaos blasters and flame pillars appeared to hit us. Chara: "fighting battles that wasn't started by me! Feeling like I can finally feel useful but I don't!!!" We continue to dodge her attacks. She started slashing the area. She stop time for a bit and than continues. Metacritic got hit. Taking 67 damage.
(Metacritic is down)
Damn it! Metacritic is out! I don't know if I should heal them or not. I'll have to see. I dodge all her attacks. I chose items. I used a item on Metacritic. It heal them by 50. Metacritic: "whoa! Is that what it feels like dieing! Do not want to do that again!" She cut the oxygen shield again. Spears and gaster blasters appeared. Chara: "everyone can't do anything! I didnt want this job! I wanted to live my life! But I was force! To fight! To be apart of a experiment! Everything! None of it was my own decision!!" She sound really angry. We started moving as spears rain from above. Than the blasters started ricochet off the spears. Nearly hitting me. We started dodging them as well as not stopping. They nearly hit my face. Close calls. Than Chara ready a big one. It fired. I got hit. Taking 89 damage. My hp is nearly the 100. I chose defend. Metacritic chose fight. They attack. She dodged. Chara: "you still alive! God damn it! I'm so close to losing my mind!!! I will kill you! With my finally attack!" Than she stop time. She slashed the oxygen shield. Than she started cutting into time. Time resumes. Attacks coming from everywhere. Though cracks she made. Than a big one open up. I was pulled into it. Chara: "Die! Frisk!!" Than alot of knifes started appearing. They were coming at me. I try to dodge but they were fast. I started blocking them since I chose defend but I was getting hit. Than everyone else attacks were coming. I continue to block as my hp goes down. Than I see her floating up. She hold her knife up high. The light from Here reflex off of it. It glowing red. It getting bigger. Than she zoomed right infront of me. She slashes. As it knockes me out of the Crack and back onto the Platform. I landed on the ground on my back. I than feel a big cut on my chest. "Gah!!!!" Alot of blood came out. My hp. Was one. I got up. I looked at Metacritic who hp Is also one. I see chara float down. She gripping her chest. Chara: "you survive. Just how crazy are you?" I ready my plasma saw. I will follow no more rules! I went to slash her. Than I was stopped. Chara: "looks like I failed. You just didn't want to stop. That means you are going to be stuck like this for a long time. I'm going to make sure that you don't get to see the king" she turn around. No. My only chance! This can't be happening! No. I will not be stop! I just need to slash her. That all! One slash! One slash! I feel my self moving slowly. I will kill her! No one will have her! I than grip my plasma saw tight. She heard the noise. Chara: "what?" She turn around. I than slashed her. Dealing 9999999 damage. We than teleported back to judge of fate. Finally we are back. I looked at Chara. Alot of blood is coming out. Chara: "so. You won. You somehow broke though my time stop. Even if it was just for a second. Damn it" chara. I drop my saw. No. Chara. She dieing. "Chara" I went to help her. But Metacritic stop me. Metacritic: "don't darling. Just let her die" what? Why! She dieing. Chara got up. Chara: "if I knew that you were going to do this. Maybe I shouldn't have trusted you. No matter what. Humans are all the same. Even if one of them is my ex" she started walking. Chara: "I'm going to go die somewhere peaceful. Don't even go near me"
( 🌟You won! 100 exp and 500g! Your lv is now lv 20! 🌟)
Chara pov.
The statues eyes are black now. Like they know the judge is dead. I lead against a pillar as I let my body go down. I hit the floor. So this is it. Those monsters are all going to die. All because of her Obsession with me. What did i do for that to happen too frisk? I will never know. But I do know that Metacritic person is the one responsible for her. But there no use in thinking of that. This is where I will die. "Frisk......I wish......we could have spend a little of time together......without killing.....each other" I hold out my hand to the light shining though the window. "Frisk. Everyone........I love you all" I than close my eyes. Knowing that my time is up. ???: "are you sure your time is up?"

Liquid: there I go! Finally! Night! Peace!!

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