21 the amazing devil

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21   the amazing devil

A restless feeling lingers underneath Mercy's skin as she makes her return to Aglionby Academy's halls. Tie undone and blazer in disarray, Mercy's smile is stark, sharply lit and Cheshire-like underneath emerald eyes. Being one of the very few female counterparts of the student body, she's always found comfort in solitude—chin to the ceiling as Mercy walks the halls with thunder-like steps and unshakable confidence. Up until now, that is. That night on the windowsill shifted an opening within Gansey and Mercy's friendship: an understanding previously built like a mystery. The little boy with dirt-streaked cheeks and hornet stings; the once marble girl shattered into pieces of rubble. The tide of Aglionby Academy's talkative student body easily parts ways for the striking sight that is Mercy King and Richard Gansey III walking side by side, avidly talking under their breaths about something that appears to be important.

          "I just think that with the existence of Car Pope, there's obviously a very strong existence of Catholicism in the Cars universe at the very least." Mercy says eagerly, gesturing broadly and nearly smacking a young freshman in the face. She pays no mind to them. "Any religion really. Therefore, Jesus is a car, God is a car, the Holy Spirit is a car—"


          "I think that God is a Rolls Royce: treasure by old people and kind of tacky. And Jesus is a Camry. I don't make the rules, it just seems true." Mercy continues, pausing beside Gansey in front of the doorway to the Latin classroom. "Wait, there's definitely other things then right? Like does Sarge not prove the existence of a World War? And how did that work?"

Gansey pinches the bridge of his nose. "How did you get to this point of conversation?"

Mercy shrugs. "The internet is a wondrous thing, Gansey, you should try it."

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