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Michael never really thought of how he activated his powers. He normally just controlled his breathing and set his mind to what he wanted to do.

He gave the hulking beast a once over and shuddered at its sharp claws that dug into the ground. It seemed to have gotten bigger in the past few days and he seems to have gotten dumber as well, because as he shuddered the beast suddenly sniffed and charged towards him. It's large legs carried it's body and the sound of it's paws could be heard hitting the ground.

Michael, in the spur of the moment grabbed he closest thing to him ( which happened to be a bench) and swung it at the beast. The beast roared as it shot towards the other end of the street due to the force of Michael's blow.

"Why isn't my powers working, do I have to say something for it to work?" He mumbled to himself and readied when he heard the heavy steps charging towards him.

"That thing is hauling ass."

He shifted to the left as it tried to scratch him and swiftly punched the beast in the stomach sending it a few meters away.

It came back, it's teeth bared and claws trying to pull at anything in order it inflict damage.
Suddenly, the clouds got darker and a deep groan sounded in the air.

Michael got distracted, and the large animal took this chance to drag its claws along his chest and barrel into him. Michael slid across the ground, but this didn't stop it, it came again, sprinting across the street in order to get to him.

"How's it going out there?!" Lopt, the bastard, leaned out of the window and waved at Michael.

"Amazing thanks!"
Michael suddenly had no time for this thing and tried to overcome his fear but all he could think of was its teeth baring into his neck and his body going limp. The dream still haunted him till now. Till he stood in front of it and had no will to move and kill it.

But the thought of Lena and her baby dying made him want to. He wanted them to live. This thing was only the tip of his journey, it was only his first obstacle. He still had a whole fricken planet to save from an impending doom.

He got up slowly, the beast stopped. It stood only a few meters away. Michael got up and groaned.

Think happy thoughts.

The clouds suddenly became even darker and the thunder louder. Michael clenched his fists at his side and the storm clouds suddenly released its anger. Hot, quick flashes of lighting decorated the sky.

As it charged, Michael struck his fist out and the lighting shot down wrapping itself around his body and collided with the monster. It whined. But that didn't stop it.

It came again and Michael soon started levitating and the hot streaks shot towards the beast.

It was a continuous clash. The beast would heal and keep coming towards the house, which echoed with Lena's cries and the god-like Michael who kept it away.

"Why is it not dead?"

Suddenly the beast got him it clawed around him and strangled the air out of him.

Lopt who had been watching this, sipped his coffee and glanced back at Tyr who was helping Lena.
"Does this not remind you of something?"
"Not the time, Lopt.", his friend replied with annoyance as Lena pulled him by his hair.

"I swear I've seen this before.", he stirred his coffee and took a long sip, but then suddenly spat it all out when Michael in the distance sent the largest beam of lightning down onto the beast, it's whole body incinerating under the heat.

"Holy shit!"
Michael suddenly got up and looked around.
He then tiredly walked towards the house and Lopt closed the kitchen window and helped Michael inside.

"How is she?"
Lena from her spot on the floor looked up at Michael's voice and breathed out a sigh.

Her face was covered in sweat, her hair sticking to her forehead.

"A little bit sore but she's going to be feeling it for a while. Labour can last up to 12 hours, we can only wait."
The god Tyr answered and wiped the sweat off of Lena with a damp cloth.

"Why didn't you see it coming."
Lena said and gave Michael a once over.

"You said you could see it, see what's going to happen next."

He shrugged and frowned. He couldn't really understand what was happening. He knew Lena was about to give birth to a slightly different baby boy and would them suffer from blood loss but he didn't know it would be happening today, or the day after his return from Asgard. He should've mentioned it maybe. What would he have even told Lena.

You're going to suffer from blood loss and probably lose your life, but you'd have a son?

It would just be negative after negative, the first being the birthing process and the second being her death. He took a deep sigh after he felt her eyes burn into his head, he chose his next words carefully.

"I can't exactly see when it'll happen, it's very difficult actually. I have to think of the person and concentrate on their face so my ability can then form an image around that person, I would then follow the said person through this image and then would I only be able to see the future. Then I would wake up with fragments of the vision and slowly piece what I remember together, then would I onl-",

Lopt cut off his rambling with a hard slap to the head. He was interested in Michael's ability and to be honest wanted a more detailed description but Lena was about to give birth and her irritation could be felt in the room. In conclusion, Lopt smacked Michael's head for Lena.
Michael rubbed his head and looked at Lopt with a incredulous look.

Lena screamed out and Tyr acted fast bringing her legs up and opening them. He looked at her, she breathed heavily and tilted her head back.

It continued for hours, she screamed, Tyr acted and she pushed. Lopt and I stood at the table and slowly started moving to surround her. He sat next to Tyr for support, whereas I sat at her head, wiping her sweat and caressing her hair. She needed it, I needed to figure out how to save her. Lopt as if he really don't mind looked up and nodded. Next to him sat towels and bandages as well as a dark liquid in a glass bottle.

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