There's so many hallways. I feel like Iv been walking in a circle trying to find my dorm room, I don't even know if I'm in the right building.

Randy handed me a piece of paper with my room number on it and left me to suffer on my own. He could have at least have given me a guide or something.

I turn a corner and suddenly I'm in a corridor covered in painting. The walls drip with old art and rusted gold frames, I could practically smell the money reeking from the walls.

My feet carry me forward and my mouth is unintentionally hanging open, I wouldn't be surprised if I'm drooling.

One painting catches my eyes. A girl, stripped down to nothing but her bare skin and she's hugging her knees so tightly. Her red hair is poured over her face and body, she looks so sad.

I begin to wonder what may have happened to make her so upset. So naked and vulnerable.

I don't comprehend what I'm doing until my hand is reaching out to touch her weeping hair, I snap back into reality when a tight fist wraps around my wrist.

"I wouldn't touch that if I was you."

Each word is pronounced to perfection, his blonde hair slicked back and not a strand is out of place.

"Principal Bates is very protective of the art." The corner of his mouth is turned up into this half smirk that makes me week at the knees.

His hand finally leaves my wrist and the skin where he once held is now cold and needy for his touch again.

"You must be the new girl everyone is talking about," He straightens his posture and holds his hand out for me to shake which I accept. "Elijah De Mevius."

"Isadora Rothschild." I feel so small under his overpowering gaze and that smirk playing on his lips.

Elijah De Mevius. His name is replaying in my head, I feel like Iv heard that name before. De Mevuis. De Mevuis.

"De Mevuis." I speak aloud, my eyebrows weaken and my face is filled with shock as I look up at him with his ever sharpening jawline. "De Mevuis, like King Arnold De Mevuis?"

"My great-grandfather." He tips his head before slipping his hands into the front pockets of his light grey jeans.

"So? Are you like a prince, should I be bowing right now?"

A laugh escaped his lips and he is shaking his head. "My father married a commoner so the line ended with him, although you are more than welcome to bow."

"Your ego seems big enough already." The words leave my mouth before I even realise how rude that must sound, but he laughs along and that makes me smile for some unknown reason.

"It was lovely to meet you Isadora." His eyes lock on mine and they are the most beautiful shade of blue, like waves on the Hawaiian beach.

He steps to the side and I'm beginning to walk forward until my body stop's itself and I'm turning back to him. "Could you, maybe, help me fine my room?" I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and I'm scared with how fast my heart is pumping. "This place is like a maze."

He takes the paper from my hands and I release that I'm shaking. "Down the hall, left, then two rights." He takes my trembling hands in his and slips the paper back into my palm. "If my memory serves me correctly."

"Thank you, Elijah De Mevuis." I bow my head and pretend to curtsy with an imaginary dress.

"Your welcome, Isadora Rothschild." He holds a hand behind his back as he bows and his posture is immaculate that I'm beginning to wonder if it's rehearsed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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