Chapter Forty: Them (E6)

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Doing partol is exciting but sometimes boring~
Hayy... Why is it pretty boring despite an upcoming battle? Its not a call before a storm but boring times before storm. What a day...

Then why don't you start for the battle?

I did. Its all set. You and the others who will be participating are the only I been waiting before it started.

I see. Since when did you know I'm here?

Since earlier. You're noisy. If you stalk someone be sure to be quiet and unnoticeable, okay?

Sure. Though its only you and Mindanao can detect me pretty fast.

But of course, we are the best in this country~

I comment no more.

You're early. For the mission?


Or for your future husband?

A- ahem!

Hu! You stutter! Hihi, knew it. You came fast and early for NC~

Shut it.

Oh? NC! You came to report to me?


Bwhahahahha! I- haha I'm ki- hahaha kidding...bhahah

Joke again and I'll kill you

Hahah, sure. Like hell you can. And NC will be sad if you did.


You know, he love his country so much~


Ha...thanks to you Yunnan, today is a bright day~


Did you click your tongue just now?

No. You're hearing things

You did. What will I do? I think not helping you with NC but acting like this towards his mother, you got balls. Too bad, I'm not gonna help you with your crush~

Like hell you know anything about dating too, you single. And if I'll ask someone, definitely not you. And since when are you his mother?

Duh, of course since I become the countryleader!

There's no rule like that.

But others did so! You're stubborn future son-in-law.

Stop. You're creeping me out

The hell!
Why don't they respect me as countryleader?? Am I not one? Why no one respect me? T^T

Hey, look where you go

I'm not 'hey'! I have a name!

Ah sure, Cinna.

But thanks to you, people avoid annoying me.

That's natural. I'm a Chinese by blood and a leader of that leader.

Aww, no need to feel bad. There there.

Stop patting me. I'm not a kid. You question why people don't respect you as a leader right?

Ah? You heard?

Of course. And because you acting like this leads people to think you're easy thus not respecting you.

Huh?! Only that!? But I'm strong!!

So? If some kind of idiot with muscles and title leader run around town doing weird things, do you think they will respect you?

Ah... and how dare you say it as weird things!

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