Even Though I hurt you I love you. (Huaisang x Xue yang)

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{not really a Smut chapter}

Important: This is After Meng yao Died, but Song lan Didn't Successfully kill Xue yang like he did in the original story. Xue yang played dead so Song lan would Stop and after Song lan Left he fled and hid.

Huaisang's Pov:

"XUE YANG!." Xue yang: I'm Sorry Sect leader nie I'll leave. I grab him by his collar Xue yang: Ow! you can't drag me like this. "Alright you picky princess."

I lift him by his legs he wraps his arm around my neck he starts falling asleep.

I carry him inside and lay him down on My Bed and sit at the Small table in the center of my room.

An hour later I hear the bed creak I turn around and see Xue yang Waking up from his short nap.

"Xue yang sit down with me." he's hesitant but he nods and sits across from me.

I chuckle "What do you think I'm gonna bite you?." He nods I cover my mouth with my sleeve he Tilts his head to the side in confusion.

He puts his hands on the table and stares at me "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to Stare?."

He Shakes his head "Xue yang sense your cute I'm giving you a second chance but our daily routine is to visit my brother."

He nods quickly "Well then let's get you bandaged up." He stands up and sits beside me.

Xue: Thank you. he looks away once those words leave his lips I smile "Your Welcome brat." He laughs a little.

Xue: I am a little brat aren't I?. I look at him in confusion "That wasn't how it was supposed to go you were supposed to disagree with me but to answer your question no I don't think you are a brat."

He smiles "Alllll done Xue yang." Xue: Thank you no one has ever been nice to me Except Xiao... Nevermind.

"Xiao xing chen?." He starts to get Teary eyed Xue: D-Don't talk about him. I pause and grab his hand.

He just Stares at his other hand "What's there?." I reach out to grab his hand he pulls away.

Xue: It's from Xiao so I want to keep it with me. "I will respect your wishes Xue." He smiles and yawns.

Xue:Oh I'm tired. He Leans on me he Snores softly I chuckle and pick him up and carry him to bed and tuck him in.

I grab my sword and fan I slide open my door Maid: Master Now you must come quickly. "Why What's wrong?." She Grabs my hand and We run to the Entrance Maid: Master Song lan is here I grit my teeth. 

Forcing a Smile I give him a formal bow "What a Surprise to see you here this late at night." He Smirks a little Song Lan: Cut the Crap where is he?. "Where's Who?." Song Lan: THE PERSON WHO CAUSED MY PARTNER TO KILL HIMSELF!!!!. 

"Your Partner huh Xue yang told me Xiao XIng Chen liked him more" Song Lan: He Tricked him Just like he Tricked you and how That Cheerful boy tricked the Jade Twin Lan Wangji. "Ha you will not speak bad about Wei-Xiong!." 

I feel a tap on my Shoulder I turn around " GO BACK!. " Xue: Why? Leader Nie?. I Block him from Song Lan's View but I was too late Song Lan had Already spotted him and unsheaths his sword "I lot more running I see." I Pick up Xue yang and Take off "HOLD ON!!." 

I remember Something Wei-Xiong,Wangji-Xiong,and Cheng-Xiong Told me Recently "When Ever in Danger Call for help." 

Wangji-Xiong , Wei-Xiong , Cheng-Xiong! In an instant They Appear out of thin air Cheng-Xiong: you finally listened for once who is it Song Lan: Are you really this weak leader nie?. " No This is What I need to protect my Partner." 

Wei-Xiong: Sang Go Quickly! I Run away With Xue in my Arms he Clings on to me Terrified Xue: I'm Sorry to Bring trouble. " It's not your fault." I kiss his check He Blushes Xue: Sect leader Nie you know you should not kiss a Criminal!" " Heh your my Criminal." 

He Pouts Xue: Just go Huaisang. "fine You Spoiled Princess." Xue: Am Not!. Wangji-Xiong: you really are Xue Yang I laugh "Is he gone?." Wangji-Xiong: for Now Come on I'll take you back home. Xue: Home is not safe right now Huanguang-jun He Nods. 

Wangji-Xiong: Then a Inn should be Safe for now?. I nod He Helps us get to an inn Without Being Seen by Song Lan we Pay for a room and head up to it and fall asleep Wangji-Xiong leaves with Wei-Xiong Who was waiting outside of our room.

The Next day I wake up and pat the Space beside me No Xue yang. I get out of the bed and look around the room and See Xue in a Bath Tub without turning around Xue: Good Morning Sleepy head!

"Good Morning My Dear~" he makes a Big Splash in the tub Xue: Please I just got in here "Is There a Problem~?" Xue Turns around Xue: No~ he giggles a little and grabs my Sleeve and pulls me in.

"WOW!!!" he Smiles I kiss him he kisses me back I wrap my arms around his waist Xue: Ha These Clothes are wet now take them off I Smirk "What if I don't~" Xue: I'll leave you He Kisses my check. 

Xue: I'm Sorry Even Though I Helped Guangyao I'm Sorry Even Though I hurt you I love you. "I love you too Xue Yang I love you too." 


{I've Been Working on this for a Month and a half to finish I hope all of you have enjoyed this chapter even though it's not a Smut Chapter I Enjoyed Writing this So I hope you enjoyed reading this.}

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