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Part 1

(Characters will be introduced, very important chapter!)

"Are you kids ok?" My mother asks Warner and I.

"We're fine. Thanks, mom!"

"Thank you, Mrs. Bradford. And dinner was fabulous," Warner says politely.

"It's no problem. You two have a goodnight!"

My mom leaves my room and I plop down on my bed next to Warner. Ok, so I may have invited him over for a sleep over. I know what you're thinking, but since meeting, Warner and I have become great friends. He's genuine, kind, super funny, and for the first time, I actually feel like I can fully trust him. We even have matching pajamas. Silk pink zebra print, super cute!

"Can I ask you a question?" He asks me.

"Sure," I answer.

"What changed? You know I love you, but you weren't my biggest fan in the beginning."

"It wasn't that I didn't like you, I just... thought you were crazy," I state truthfully. "But, I was wrong. I've been here for two years, and I haven't met anyone who I've clicked with, atleast not enough to invite them to a sleepover at my house. It's just hard, you know? I went from having my best friends back at home, to moving countries in the middle of high school. Don't tell them, but the friends I've made here are just, I don't know... Different. It's been so hard to adjust. Of course I'd never tell my mom this, because for the first time in a long time, she is really happy. She's different from when she was with my father, and I won't ever ruin that for her."

"Oh hun, I had no idea. I knew you were from California, but I never thought about how hard that has to be, to have to start a brand new life in a totally different place. I know we have this plan to win big on the show, but I want you to promise me to also make memories. This is your summer, and you deserve to make some unbelievably great memories here in Canada."

"Deal! ... but I'm still winning that money," I say with a smile.

"Oh, of course! That was never a question!"

We laugh and talk all night until we drift off to sleep. Warner is right! I deserve this. Yes this is a competition, but I can still have fun. It's going to be great! 8 weeks on a luxurious island doing challenges and hanging out?

This is going to be a peice of cake! What can go wrong?


"Do you have the pocket knife I gave you?" My grandmother asks.

"Yes, Grandma."

"What about your inhaler?" My mom asks.

"Of course, mom."

"Are all of your outfits color coordinated? You know, your clothes matching your shoes is important since you'll be on national television!" Warner warns me.

"Yes, now will you guys stop worrying about me? I have everything I need to survive these eight weeks, I'll be fine."

"You know I worry, honey," my mother says. "You're not going to be with me or your father this time, you're going to be all by yourself and I just-"

"I know, mom. But if anything goes wrong, I can always forfeit and come back home."

"Which you're not going to do because we are winning this thing, baby!" Warner yells excitingly.

I roll my eyes jokingly. Today is the day, if you couldn't tell. In a few hours, I will be in front a bunch of cameras meeting the Chris McLean and 21 other campers! Am I nervous? Heck yeah! But I can't let them know that. It already took a lot to get my mom comfortable enough with the idea. Warner on the other hand isn't worried a bit since we've been training for weeks. Since I made the show, Warner has been training me non stop. I'm talking protein shakes, morning runs, evening gym sessions, I was put on a vegan regime, and I even started walking to my babysitting jobs. And honestly, I feel amazing! I didn't do this to lose weight, if that's what you're thinking. I needed to prepare my body for the challenges we're going to face.

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