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"There's the finish line. You can do this, princess!" Duncan exclaims.

Yep, there it is. With Owen out of the bathroom, both him and Gwen are hot my trail, but nothing can stop me now. To victory!

"There they are. Three real competitors, and if I may say, truly personifying the spirit of the reject Olympics," Chris says.

I frown noticing Izzy walk to the front of the finish line with a plate of freshly made brownies, and Geoff as he plugs up Chris's giant fan.

What the hell?

What are they- oh no. When Owen gets a whiff of those brownies, it's over. He'll win for sure.

"I think it's over for me, dude," Owen pants.

"It's too bad, bro. I would've liked going to that party," I hear Trent say.

Suck up!

"Wait," Owen says a bit more energetic. "Is that... brownies?! Move!"

Uh, oh!

 "Ah!" I scream as Owen pushes pass Gwen and I, making me face plant into the ground.

I quickly sit up and I swipe my hand under my nose. No, not this. Not right now! This cannot be happening.


"No, no, no! It's just a little blood, Mal," Duncan tries to encourage me as he sits on the ground next to me. "You can do this, you've done it before."

"What's the point?" I ask discouragingly. "Owen won. He won the money, and now I'm dying. Curse you browines!"

"You're not dying, babe. Your nose is bleeding, but I can make it better," he says as he wipes away the nasty, icky, red substance from my face.

"See?" He reassures. "All better."

"Thanks, Duncan," I say with a a smile. "But how can I win now? Owen won't stop at anything to get those brownies."

"Come on, look at all of those people cheering you on. We know you can do it. You're not only hot, but you're the toughest girl out there."

I look at all of my friends. I guess he's right. I got here because I worked hard for my spot. I didn't have to form alliances, I didn't have to sabotage anyone. I told Warner the only way I'd do this show is if I can stay true to myself, and that's what I did. I've formed amazing friendships, I've completed the hardest challenges that I'll probably need therapy for, and I've eaten the nastiest food to ever touch a dinner plate... I also beat Heather and crushed her dreams of being the final three.

"I'm winning this thing," I tell Duncan.

"That's my girl!"

I stand to my feet, and I'm stunned as I watch Owen completely crush Izzy. He starts to devour the plate of brownies, just short of the finish line.

"Dude, the finish line is over there," Geoff says disappointingly. "Now the girls are catching up."

Owen is in a chocolate funk, and I think Izzy is dead. It's my time to shine. I look at Gwen, and she looks at me. We both cut our eyes at each other. It's all friendly competition of course, but I'm still going to win. We immediately take off towards the finish line.

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