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No more, please! I can't take it anymore. Somebody just kill me at this point. I sit on the bench rocking back and forth after another crazy food concoction was served to us. I just can't do this anymore. No more disgusting food, please!

I've eaten bull testicles, grasshopper and jellyfish pizza, earthworm spaghetti- What else are they going to force us to eat? This is abuse!

"Wow, it's still tied up," Chris says. "We're down to the last course in the challenge. It's delicious... dolphin wieners. Hot dogs made of dolphin."

"Absolutely not!" I explode.

They did it, they really did it. They've broken me. I give up. There is no way I am eating a dolphin.

"But dolphins are our friends!" Bridgette gasps.

"What are you waiting for? It's already dead. If you don't eat it, we don't win," Heather replies.

"Ooh, I can't! I'm a surfer! I swim with dolphins!"

"I'm not either! This crosses the line," I refuse stubbornly.

"Eat it!" Heather screams.

"No." I refuse to give in.

"I'm not doing it. You can't pressure me," Bridgette also refuses.

"I'm with you, sisters," DJ says. "I'm not eating no dolphin."

"Okay, enough," Chris stops. "We'll solve this by having an eat-off. The one who can drink the most shot glasses of fresh, delicious, blended cockroach will be the winner. This unlikely satisfying blend of eight different cockroaches is vitamin rich for your balanced lifestyle."

I place my hand over my mouth trying to keep from vomiting. After this is over, I'm suing. I'm sure after today's challenge, my stomach is jacked! And I'll never be able to look at a dolphin again without crying.

"On your mark, get set, go!"

I cheer for Leshawna as her and Owen chow down on their... roachy concoction. Leshawna is doing great! You know what, I wasn't so sure after that first challenge, but I think we're going to win this. And it'll all be because of Leshawna.


So we lost.

Yep, again. Not only are we not eating tonight, but we're also not going to a luxurious island resort. I guess it isn't so bad. The guys are away, and now it's just us girls.


"Ok, so we lost. It sucks, but at least the boys are off the island for awhile, so we can have a girls night! I know Heather and I haven't gotten along, but we can go one night where we put our differences aside and just have fun. I was thinking we could have a movie night. I bought some DVD's from home, we can watch them on the projector. It'll be fun, and hey, maybe we'll see a different side of Heather."


"Girls! Hey, what do you guys think of a movie night?" I ask as I walk back to our cabin. "I brought some movies from home, and I even have a few snacks left."

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