ONE - goddaugther

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For those of you who are impatient... you meet Barty Crouch Jr in CHAPTER THREE


The Malfoy household was alike to a swan, all serene grace above the water and ungainly kicking below. The ungainly kicking that particular morning was mostly created by Keria Thorne. Keira Thorne was a fifth-year Slytherin at Hogwarts, she had black hair that lay long and limp down her back, its only merits came from the few streaks of singular silver hairs running through it which signified her Veela heritage.

Keira dashed around a guest bedroom, that she called hers most of the year, in Malfoy Manor throwing this and that into her heavy, black-lined trunk which lay open and messy on her oak four-poster bed, inlaid with silver peacocks, as was the Malfoy way. "Where is my damned hairbrush?" She muttered, reaching under the bed, wishing that she was more organized. She was never disorganized in her Hogwart's dorm. A calm seemed to come over her there and she managed to maintain order amongst her possessions.

"Your damned hairbrush is probably where you left it on the damned dressing table." Drawled a voice from by the door. Keira didn't even look up, she marched to the dressing table and lobbed the hairbrush into the trunk.
"Right, I'm ready." She said, smoothing down the front of her jumper. The January cold chilled her fingertips, but her gloves had already been thrown into the trunk and she didn't have the energy to dig through it.
"Haven't you forgotten something?" Draco asked, this time Keira looked at him to see him leaning against the door frame, waving a bit of toast at her.
"I'll eat on the train," Keira waved him away. She clasped the trunk closed and heaved it off the bed to make her way down the stairs. "A little help wouldn't go amiss." She huffed pointedly at Draco who noisily finished his toast in her direction before withdrawing to fetch his own trunk.
"Oh, Keira, you'll hurt your back. Let me." Narcissa Malfoy called from the hall, she raised her wand and the trunk rises over the banister and floats down into the hallway.
"Thanks, Narcissa." Keira smiled heading back upstairs to retrieve her coat, wand, shoes, and cat. Passing Draco on the way up she pokes her tongue out at him.

A few minutes later, after traveling by Floo Network, the Malfoy family and Keira arrived at Kings Cross Station on Platform 9 ¾. Draco shoved a trolley towards Keira and she loaded on her trunk and the cat basket into the trolley, the cat basket hissed at her. "I know, Cosmos, not long before I can let you out." She soothed the Giant, black Maine Coone. He did look soothed.
"Right then Keira, goodbye. And have a nice rest of the year and we'll see you shortly for Summer break." Lucius briskly shook Keira's hand and turned to Draco. "Now Draco, when this year is finished, we have big things for you, both of you." He looked pointedly between the two. Keira internally shuddered, she knows the insinuation of 'we' meant the Dark Lord. Narcissa bought Draco into her usual hug, then Keira.
"Thank you for letting me stay again, Narcissa." She smiled up at the woman.
"You're always welcome, and Severus too, remind him won't you?" Keira nodded and Narcissa let her go just as the whistle sounded.

Keira and Draco hurried to pass their luggage to the porter and Keria clutched the cat carrier closer to her as she and Draco made their way along the busy carriages to their friends.

Keira lets Cosmos out of the cat carrier when they are both seated in a carriage with Blaise Zabini, Crabbe and Goyle. Cosmos immediately jumped onto the luggage carrier to glare down at them all. "How was your Christmas, Blaise?" Keira asked politely, "get up to anything interesting?" She smirks at him.
"Wouldn't you like to know." He waggled his finger at her.
"Come on Blaise, don't leave us in the lurch." Draco prompted. Just as Blaise began to tell his story, Pansy Parkinson entered the carriage, putting all the attention on herself just by wearing a sickening smile and loudly asking Draco how his Christmas had been. She planted herself in the window seat opposite Draco, leaning over to him like they shared some kind of secret. Keira looked discretely across at Draco and they share a smirk. Pansy has always liked Draco.

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