Chapter 2 - Horseshoe Overlook - Rich Man's Toy

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It was still morning and I had nothing to do.

That all changed though when I walked past Abigails tent.

Abigails: James, c'mere a minute.

I walk over to her.

James: What is it?

Abigail: Can I ask a favour?

James: Sure.

Abigail: Can you do... something with Jack?

James: Why? Because I'm your preferred nursemaid?

Abigail: Because he likes you and... well, you know his fathers useless.

James: Yeah, course.

Abigails: Thank you.

I walk over to Jack who was near the hitching posts, he was sitting on the ground with sticks.

James: Watchu upto?

Jack: Playing.

James: Anything fun?

Jack: I guess.

James: Do you wanna go fishin with me?

Jack: Fishing?

James: Sure, it's about time you started to earn your keep.

Jack: Okay.

He stands up.

James: You do have a fishing pole, right?

Jack: Yeah, uncle Hosea made me one.

James: Good, go grab that and we'll get some fish caught.

Jack: Yeah.

I mount my horse and wait for Jack to get his pole.

He gets it and comes over.

I lift him onto Jamie and place him in front of me.

I had one hand on him and the other on the reigns.

I begin riding out of camp.

Jack: Where are we going?

James: Just down to the river near here.  Don't want to go too far from camp.

Jack: Okay.

James: You feeling better? I know you was a little sick.

Jack: I'm fine.

James: Your a brave kid.

Jack: Just like you.

James: Well, I don't know about brave... and I ain't much of a kid no more.  Though your momma might disagree... her and a few other women I guess.


Jack: What does that mean?

James: Oh, I'm just talking silly, been a tough few weeks up in that snow.

Jack: I liked the snow.

James: Yeah but not like that.

Jack: When are we going back to the other camp?

James: The one near Blackwater?

Jack: Yeah.

James: Well, we're not, this is our spot... for now anyway.

We arrive at a spot in the river where the water looked pretty calm and busy with fish... ish.

James: Okay, let's get fishing.

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