Chapter 3 - Clemens Point - Six Weeks Later...

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Six Weeks Later...

It's now been 6 weeks since I got away from The O'Driscoll's.  I've been recovering slowly but surely.  My arm and leg are better.

Even though my wounds are healed.

Due to my leg having been shot as many times as it has and my shoulder being blasted by a double-barrel at point blank range, they will never be the way they used to be.  My shoulder and leg still get sharp pains from time to time.  I can still lift heavy things but not like I use to.  I can still run but not like I use to.  I could do everything I used to do but now I'm not as great as I was before I got shot and beaten.

In these past 6 weeks.  Me and Mary-Beth got closer and are going strong.  Arthur, Bill, Lenny and Karen robbed the Valentine bank.  John and Javier robbed horses off The Braithwaite's and sold them for about a grand.  And today, Dutch wants me and Charles to go find Mr. Josiah Trelawny, Trelawny let us know that bounty hunters are in the area and Dutch wants to know more so me and Charles are gonna go find him at his caravan just on the edge of Rhodes.

This'll be my first time out of camp since my injuries, and my first time back on Jamie.

The whole gang was a huge help, helped me do things I was unable to when injured. Now it's time to get back at it.

And also, my hair has grown longer, behind my ears just above my shoulders, beard is the same as before as I shave that every few days.

Anyway, me and Charles were on our way to Trelawny's caravan.

We were on our horses just leaving camp.

Charles: You feeling better?

James: Yeah, a bit.  Thanks, by the way, for everything.

Charles: Of course, you'd do the same.

James: I'm glad your with us, Charles.

Charles: Me too.

James: I'm guessing you don't know Trelawny that well?

Charles: It's safe to say I got to know him more when we went to get Sean, guy never shuts up.

James: You are right about that.

Charles: He talks a lot but it's almost like he doesn't say a damn thing.

James: That's his talent, saying shit so... shit that it just turns people clueless. But he's done us a few favours in the past so we can't really complain.

Charles: You think he talked? To these bounty hunters?

James: Maybe, we don't even know if they've met yet.

Charles: Guess we'll have to see.

James: Guess so.


After a 5 minute ride, we arrive at Trelawny's caravan. We dismount our horses and go inside.

Charles: He's gone and... there's a mess.

James: Look around.

We do so, opening drawers, looking at anything that'll give us some idea as to where he is.

Charles: Blood here.

Not good.

James: Look here, tracks.

I was out back looking at the ground.

Charles: Let's follow em.

James: You take the lead, your better at this than I am.

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