Team Battles! Part 1

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"DEKUUUUUUU!" Bakugo's explosive voice rang like a tolling bell throughout the barren concrete maze.

Distant booms grew closer and closer toward the pair of assigned heroes. Izuku needed to think of a plan. Fast.

His brain was racking a mile a minute. Their entire plan they had spent the prep time formulating required Izuku to be alone when he came into contact with his rival. But, at the moment, Uraraka was still by his side.

"Uraraka! Hurry!" He called to the girl, the incessant detonations drawing ever closer to their current location. "Y-you need to find the bomb! I'll handle him!" His voice was shaky, but he knew this wasn't the time to let his nerves get the better of him.

With a nod of agreement and a wish of good fortune the girl disappeared into a nearby stairwell and out of sight of her teammate.

As Uraraka disappeared, Katsuki appeared.

The blonde teen flew around a corner on the far side of the and landed, locking his crimson, fury-filled eyes on his longtime victim.

"HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET INTO THE HERO COURSE?!" He immediately began to berate the other boy, his yells filling the desolate hallway. "A QUIRKLESS BASTARD LIKE YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN BE ABLE TO DREAM ABOUT BEING HERE! LET ALONE ACTUALLY GET IN!"

Izuku's stance shifted as beads of nervous sweat sprinted down his cheek. His shoulders slumped as memories of his years of torment flashed across his mind's eye. It was no different to middle school. He hoped that this would be his chance to start anew. He imagined that U.A would be free of anguish and misery. But that wasn't the case. He had found himself, once again, at the complete mercy of his superiors. Izuku's legs began to tremble, his exposed palms becoming clammy and his stomach sinking.

'SNAP OUTTA IT!'  An internal voice demanded. 'You're seriously gonna let this asshole bully you, again?!' Atsikkan laughed and scoffed at the boy. 'Look at you: Izuku Midoriya, quaking in fear, alone and helpless- like you always have been.' The ex-villain had a plan. He had a feeling this would work. 'But... you aren't alone and helpless anymore... are you?'

His partners words hit Izuku like a sobering slap across the face. Atsikkan was right. Izuku didn't have to bow down and take the punishment anymore. The viridian haired teen's back straightened, his legs stiffened and his arms raised into a defensive stance. He could feel an air of confidence wash over him as he coiled his hands into tightly wound fists. "Everyone should be allowed to d- dream, just like me. Everyone should be allowed to chase that dream. Q-quirk or not." Izuku took a deep breath in, attempting to cool the last of his nerves. "I never gave up. And I won't start now. If you wanna fight me so bad then come get it!"


Katsuki stood there for a moment. His eyes were wide at the sudden challenge. His look of shock slowly reformed into an expression of unadulterated resentment. "FUCK. YOU!" The blonde's knuckles cracked as he flexed his open hands, sparks beginning to crackle and fizz. Flames erupted from the boy's palms with a roar and he flew across the hall at an astonishing velocity.

Before the green clad boy had time to react he felt a harsh collision against his forearms. Izuku staggered back a couple paces but stayed standing. Looking up he saw that Katsuki was within arms reach now, his scarlet eyes wild behind his flared domino mask.

"IM. GONNA. FUCKING. KILL. YOU!" Katsuki spat out each word through gritted teeth as he hurled a variety of punches at the boy, his anger and frustration raising with each blocked attempt. His onslaught was unrelenting. Izuku couldn't find an opening long enough to throw a retaliatory strike of his own. However, he could feel each blow in the frenzied assault becoming more spaced out than the last. 'Kacchan is slowing down! This is it!'

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