Flood Begins

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~Diego's POV~

(If you want to see them cross the minefield just watch the clip.)

We make it through the minefield which was harder than it looked, we reach the rest of the animals who are all piling themselves onto the boat which is at the top of a massive rock. We begin to walk with the crowd while simultaneously looking for Y/n, Ellie, Crash and Eddie.

"Do no leave your children unattended. All unattended children will be eaten." I ignore the vultures comments, as we all keep searching for the two most stubborn females in the world. We then start talking to people within the crowd.

"Have you seen a possum, about 11 foot tall and a white, grey and golden brown fur?" I ask an ant eater.

"Uh-uh." I thank her before continuing, I was getting more worried by the second. She promised and she's still not here. More rumbling happens as we can here the ice braking meaning any minute now it's gonna flood right through here.

"I don't see them anywhere!" I hear Manny yell to me.

"Maybe they're already on board!" I yell back, when I was really just trying to convince myself. The ground begins to shake more and more, and everything begins to break and crack around us. I grow more worried as there is still no sign of the four, all the animals begin screaming and running to get to safety, we now know that water was beginning to flow and soon it'll reach us.

~Y/n's POV~

We were now running since the dam was breaking and water was starting to come through. I run with the boys on my back and Ellie just behind me, we find a cave-like tunnel and begin to go through it, however, we're blocked from going back where we came in when rocks fall the only way we can go is through the other end towards the boat. We're nearly there when we're stopped from another huge rock falling and blocking the exit, meaning we're trapped. Me and Ellie try everything to try and move the rock that had fallen in front of us, trying to get out. 


"You guys gotta go!" Ellie tells the boys and I look up to see a big enough gap for the two to get out.

"We're not leaving you guys here." these boys are so caring but so darn stubborn.

"We're not asking." I tell them as Ellie wraps a trunk around them and pushes them through the hole. 

"Ellie...No!" Ellie doesn't listen and pushes them through anyway.

"Ellie, Y/n, don't worry! We're going for help. Stay here." I hear them shout and roll my eyes.

"Duh." it was a pretty stupid thing to say.

~Diego's POV~

We're still looking around with no sign of  Y/n, Ellie or the possums. We then hear two familiar voices shouting.

"Help us! Help! Somebody help! Manny! Diego!" I look in the direction of the possums and make my way over.

"Guys! It's Ellie and Y/n. They're trapped in a cave." at those words everything else stopped and all I could think about was getting Y/n to safety. Without thinking I began running towards where the possums were saying they were and where they came from, I didn't care if they followed or not, Y/n was my first priority right now. As I was getting closer I could see the water from the broken dam making it's way towards us and the cave, but I knew I had to save them. I watch as the water floods around us but I completely forget about my fear and leap into the water towards the cave. I knew I couldn't swim but I just remembered Sid and what he said, like stalking the prey and that's exactly what I did and it was working.

Ice Age : Meltdown (Diego x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now