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"Hurry her vital isn't normal" with that they take away from the boys.

"Where is she" Mr.Kim run to his sons with his wife. "Inside" Yoongi answer,they waited outside the operation theater

"It's been 3 hrs eomma" Jungkook cry Mrs.Kim embraced him and pat his back "What if..What if..." he cannot continue "Shhhh..She will be fine dear..You know she is strong..Nothing will gonna happen to her" she said.

Eunwoo on the other hand,doesn't know what to do or think he sit beside Hobi and rest his head on his soldier.Tears don't stop falling from his eyes just like others "Please don't leave me" was all he could say and it come out like mumblings.

The door open and the doctor come out they all stand up looking at him "I'm sorry to inform you this............

"Where did you kept her" Mr.Kim ask with an anger tone "In our base" Namjoon answer "Who will gonna end her me or you guys" he ask.

They lower their head they hate her,yes they sure did but she is their mom who raise  them.Some part of them think that they can do it but some part don't.

"Answer me " he shouted " Calm down honey..Give them some time" Mrs.Kim try to calmed him. "Give me the answe in tomorrow if yoh don't I'll do whatever I want to her" with that he left.Mrs.Kim look at them "I know you all are in deep thought and I now you will make the best decision.One things I wanna tell you is that never doubt yourself,do what you thought is right even if someone doesn't go with you, just trust yourself and go in your path" she said

"What do you think we should do" Taehyung ask " I don't know if I should say this but auntie is right,just do what you thought is right.I know Eunji will also understand and cope with it" Eunwoo said and left.

"Guys I don't know what you think but I am sure I can end her"Yoongi said "I'm with him" Jin said putting his hand on his soldier and Hobi joined them too.The others seems confused especially the maknae line "You don't have to join us we will not force you,just like mom said just follow what you thought is right.But never forget what she did to our sister and if we don't do it dad will gonna do it anyway.We all know how he will going to end her " he said

"But she still is our mom" Jimin said "I never said she isn't and its up to you.If the majority of us don't want it I will going to let dad end her" Yoongi again said and they left

The four stood there "What should we do" Jimin again ask "I think we should go with them" Namjoon ask "But she is.." Jungkook said looking down. Namjoon pat his back "Yes we know but you don't know what will going to happen to her when dad do this I instead of us.The hyungs know it and thats why they say they can do it" he said

"What will he did to her" Taehyung ask "Something you can never imagine,much worser than what happen to our sister.You know that she is the only daughter he has, he aslo know that she was alive I mean all those years she know the two were alive.." Jimin cut off "He knows?"

"Yes he did,after the accident he know that they don't die but before he catch mom she managed to run away.That's why he keep Eunji to Mrs.Yejin because she is the one who can protect her"he explain "How did she protect her" Jungkook ask

" Dad knows that she will going to come back to finish what she began.And in that time our dad is not powerful like now,so he take Eunji to his most trust friends actually they are lover.I don't know their  full story but I clearly can say that before he married with mom he is already in relationship with Mrs.Yejin.At that time Mrs.Yejin was already a mafia queen so he think that the only way he can protect her." Namjoon said

"So,what is your decision?Do you think you can do it? I wanna tell you that I am going to take hyung side" he added and stand up to leave them but "We can do it" Jungkook said and the twin also joined. "Then let's go,they wait us in the car" Namjoon said

Time skip at their base

When they entered they saw their mom tying in the chair,her head hung low her hair was messed and she mumble something.They look at her and themselves with raising one eyebrow "Are you okay" Jimin ask taking forward .Then suddenly she started laughing looking at him,he could see a dried tears in her cheek.

She suddenly pull him by  his arm,the other step forward by the sudden actions,she lean "Do you know I kill a little baby in my own hand"she whispered yelled and started laughing again.The other can also hear what she said "But that baby is right beside me"  she suddenly cry "Help she came near me" she added

The boys was lost by her word "And I also killed that fucking grandmother" she started laughing again. "Are you alright" Hoseok ask some part of him think that she is possessed or something like that.

The door burst open,Mr.Kim walk in while clenching his fist "You mother fucker " he shouted "Ohhh.. you look like the guy I tried to kill many times but failed " she laught again "WTH Is wrong with her" Yoongi said

She played with her finger and acting cute "Don't do that thing you look scary" Hoseok said "Do you want to know my secret" she said in a low tone "I try many time to kill those seven fucking children,but that shitty grandmother was always with them. I also hate that guy so much so I killed one of the baby.You wanna know the funny part his reaction was priceless so I think that killing all his children will destroy him.I try many time but failed because of that fucking grandmother, but he catch me when I try to kill one remaining baby" she said while pouting acting innocent

"Why did you do that" Jungkook ask with a crack voice,the others look at him they know that he loved her like a mother. "Those fucking family deserved to die because  they cannot give me what I want..And those fucking children,I never love them they are just a puppet to me,that guy too (laughing) he think I love her because I get pregnant with his child but I never did even one second.He is such a dick head and his mother is a fucking witch.You want to know the best part is that when I killed one of his baby, she try to cry but I press harder and....." Before she finished Jungkook shot her in her forehead.

"You monster how can I think of you as a mother "he continue shooting her in the same spot until he ran out of bullets.He was crying mess "How can you do it..How fucking can you..I love you I think you also love us..I miss you like a mother even hyungs tell me what happen....I..I still try to beg dad to forgive you...You monster..You are a monster" he shouted kneeling down.

The other run to him Jin hug him while patting his head "Shhh..We are here its okay..It's okay Kook"

I hope it's not boring..It is my first time writing it
English is not my first language so if there is a mistake plese understand

Bye stay safe
Have a great day or night

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