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Yoongi turn around feeling that someone is watching "Yahh..Yoongiah come fast" Jin call him "Okay"

When they reach home the two lover sit in on cough the other sit besides them.Jin walk to them " Okay we know you like each other but you cannot date until 20..Rules are rules" he said

Some devilish idea pop in Eunji mind "I don't even say I'll date him..The things I only say is that I like him" she said with innocent look "Oh" was the only things Jin could say. He look at Eunwoo whose smile is drop and now in the verge of cry the boys were shock too

"Oh how can this girl be so rude " Taehyung said " How can you do that to him" Hobi said "I feel bad for you you nearly become my brother in law " Jimin  said patting his shouldier "Yahh you child how can you do this" Namjoon said " I am okay with whatever decision you make " Yoongi did an ok sign

"How can this be happen" Jungkook become Joongshook zooming out in his own world..probably thingking how and when did things goes wrong.."Yahhh..You hardhearted child how can you do this to him..Look he is going to cry..You ungrateful brat you should thankful for he like you...Yahhhh" Jin rap in one breath

Eunji can take it anymore she laugh out loud " Did she hit her head on something " Hobi ask "Am I and my feeling are joke to her" Eunwoo said with a cracking voice

"Are you drunk again" Jimin ask..All the questions get only a big laugh..Jin become worried " Namjoon call the doctor her brain must be malfunctioning " he panick.On the other hand Namjoon also try to call the doctor without thinking twice he was about to dial until Yoongi stop him "She just acting stop overreacting" he said they made an 'O' face which make her laugh harder

"You love me too right" Eunwoo ask her with hopeful eyes "Yes I love you too you pabo" she replied.They stare at each other  eyes completely forgetting the boys.Eunwoo try to give a peak on her lip he bend down,the lover close their eyes waiting their lips touching eachother.

"What is it..Its not feel like a lip but I'm embrace to open my eyes" they both think but don't say it out.Then a loud laughing and clapping sound  echo the room which made them immediately open their eyes.

"WTH" Eunwoo say with a widen eyes she did the same. They both kiss Jin cheeks "WTF..Opppaa" Eunni shouted.The other laughing their ass off..Jimin fall down from the couch Hobi rolling on the ground...  " You both knows how to treat the elder..I'm proud of you I may go now" Jin said with a teasing smile

Eunwoo eat dinner with them,the whole mansion was filled with laughing and teasing voice.After dinner Eunji and Eunwoo walk out at the garden looking at the stars "Should we continue" he ask "If you want" she shyly said which he found cute.

He bend down again and she close her eyes but a strong force making them hitting eachother forehead,they hissed in pain

They look at the person this time it was Yoongi,he stand between them with I DON'T GIVE A DAMN LOOK he clear his throat "You cannot kiss until you officially date" he said

"But.." Eunji was about to protest "You go home you mother call Jin hyung it may be urgent" he said pointing st Eunwoo.After he went home Yoongi and Eunji walk around the garden "What did his mother said " she ask

"I don't know I'm just making up" he said ....Her jaw drop "You.." she hit his chest "Ouchh that's hurt" he laugh

Everyone was sleeping except Jin he has  some work to be done.He heard a knock "Who is it" he ask open the door "Can we talk"

"Of coure come in Yoongi..Btw why don't you sleep yet" he said..Yoongi sit on his bed "Hyung..I.." he don't know how to tell him " Say fast..I need to finish this" Jin said without giving him a glance

He take a deep breath "I saw her..Hyung..She isn't dead " he said. "Who" he simply ask but when he know the meaning he turn to him with widen eyes.Yoongi look at him straight in his eyes with a nod which tell him what he think was right

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