Chapter 5 - new life

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Skillfully Jaco landed on the grounds of Capsul corp. Bulla stared out the window and heaved a deep sigh "I still think we should have gone back Jaco." Concerned, Jaco glanced aside "you heard Goten over the radio; we had to get out of there fast. And knowing you Saiyans, everything will be fine." Jaco stood up but Bulla grabbed his wrist "Jac, just between us. We never saw Goten; he was just an anonymous captain". Jaco rolled his eyes "yay is good, you Youngsters are so difficult sometimes". Bulla giggled for a moment "thanks grandpa Jaco".

Angry, the patrolman yanked back his hand "I'm not a grandpa" he shouted in annoyance. Bulla stood up and pressed her nose into the air. In her hand she held the purple diamond, she smiled. Jaco pressed the button and the door opened. From a distance, Bulla saw her mother walking up there way. Questionably Bulma looked at the ship "Jaco I may be wrong but this is not your ship". Bulla walked out of the ship "no this one is better, this one is ours". Bulma looked surprised "ours?" Bulla threw the diamond at Jaco "yes found it in a smuggling port."

Bulma walked into the ship "this one is ours! But how, what?" She ran out the ship again. Jaco looked at Bulla who in her turn looked at her mother "found it, I don't know the full story." Jaco turned around, it was a lie from the normally so honest half Saiyan princess. Goten must have impressed her for the proper Bulla to lie to her mother. Bulma sighed "that's too bad, it's the emergency ship I made. Particularly that he is off the main ship, he gets his energy from there". Bulla turned around and rubbed her arms.

The mother looked concerned "oh dear you must be tired and hungry. Come lets go inside, I want to hear everything". Together the trio walked in, meanwhile Bulma pressed her watch and the screen came up. Cheerful and happy Bulma called out "darling your daughter is back, we are going to eat something are you coming?" The screen closed again. Bulla started laughing hard "daddy is still not talkative on the phone?" Bulma looked aside "no, he never will be". Together they walked into the kitchen, Bulla and Jaco sat down while Bulma made tea.

Not much later, Vegeta walked into the kitchen. Bulla jumped up and flew around her father's neck. With tears in her eyes, she was happy to see him again. Vegeta put an arm around his daughter "hey little monkey, welcome back". They sat down again and Bulla started telling about a smuggling port, and how they were attacked. Her voice sounded quick and enthusiastic. "And then there was a pirate captain, he jumped between us and the group". But then Bulla's voice died away. Concerned, Bulma grabbed her daughter's hand "what's wrong honey?"

A tear ran down Bulla's cheek, Jaco looked tensely in her direction. For a moment she swallowed the lump in her throat "oh mama, this pirate captain was different. He was good, caring and he helped us get the apple". Vegeta crossed his arms "a good pirate? Let me guess, he was charming and he thought he would get rich". Bulla angrily shook no "Daddy he wasn't after riches". Vegeta snorted "sure, he helped you out of the goodness of his heart and hoped to hop to the end of the rainbow with you?"

Furious, Bulla stood up "daddy stop!" Her voice trembled. Bulma put a hand on her daughter's shoulder "honey, your father is not very tactical. But this pirate captain, he helped you. Tell me was he cute?" Bulma winked, Bulla slumped back on her chair "oh mama yes! He was tough and strong, but also thoughtful and sweet. A true leader, but also tender". Vegeta shot straight up "tender? Wait, did this captain try to woo you?" Bulma laughed "oh look who got spooked, that tough angry Saiyan prince".

The married couple stared at each other. Bulma's lips curled up "can you remember when you wooed me? The big bad prince." Vegeta looked away and crossed his arms "in my memory you courted me and in my defense I had died, not long before that." Bulma walked over to her husband and pressed a kiss to his cheek "of course honey that's why you always walked into the dining room shirtless." Vegeta had a grumpy expression. Bulla started to smile at her parents; it was nice to see that some things hadn't changed. Her parents were made for each other; maybe Goten was her true one?

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