Chapter 6 - It is captain Goten

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Chapter 6 – It is captain Goten

Nine months passed. Bulla walked into the baby's room with a soft yellow blanket hanging over her arms. Laying the blanket lovingly in the crib of her soon-to-be baby, she heaved a sigh. For a moment she stroked her bulging belly. For a pregnant woman she was not huge but her belly showed beautifully. Occasionally the little one was a bit busy and she even had a bruised rip. She lowered herself into the rocking chair next to the crib. The rocking motion always soothed her and the little baby.

Her father had calmed down in the meantime and accepted that he was going to be a grandfather. Bulla could not say what her father had more trouble with. Was it the fact that his daughter was pregnant or that he couldn't deal with the causer? Bulla put a hand on her belly and caressed it. "Oh little one, I wish your daddy were here. You would love him" the almost young mother whispered. Bulla felt a kick against her hand, she began to giggle. "You're going to be something, aren't you?" she asked. A strange feeling rippled across her belly, not painful but uncomfortable.

She had been experiencing a lot of pre-contractions for the last few days. Bulla closed her eyes and imagined Goten and the ship again. For a moment she saw herself again sitting in the big brown leather chair, with her sturdy pirate captain beside her at the controls. His smile was so full of confidence and mischief. Again Bulla felt a pre-contraction. She heaved a deep sigh "I believe it's about to start, oh Goten if only you were here. I don't know if I can do it without you?" A tear rolled down Bulla's blushing cheek.

Thousands of light years from Earth, the pirate captain deftly steered his ship through a large group of attacking ships. Snip grabbed the pilot's seat "captain, all due respect. But we're surrounded here". Irritated, Goten looked back "I can see that, and if you hadn't chased our new pilot away we might have been out of here" The meter tall squirrel jumped up on the seat next to his captain "what do you want me to say? Sorry? I'm not, the idiot ate my food. He didn't deserve to work under our flag".

All of a sudden the attacking ships flew away. The captain and his mechanic looked at each other in surprise "what the hell?" asked Goten in puzzlement. Snip jumped up and pointed outside "oh shit it's the galactic patrol". But the ships flew past the pirate ship. With a deep sigh Snip dropped into the chair. Surprisingly they heard a familiar voice over the radio "Hey captain, I don't think you're supposed to be here. I'll just pretend I didn't see you". With a big grin Goten replied "Thank you Jaco, you have a nice day he". And Goten steered the ship away.

As they flew away Goten got a light feeling in his head "Snip will you take the controls?" The squirrel looked worriedly at his captain as he took the handlebar, "Captain all well?" Goten looked through the front window "yes everything is fine, I feel like I have to be somewhere". Snip began to get irritated "yes bed will be a good decision, I told you that whiskey from yesterday was a bad idea". Goten shook no and reached for the on board computer. "No Snip, it's not the whiskey. It's Bulla, she needs me. We're going to Earth".

It was twenty-four hours later. Vegeta was sitting pale as a ghost on a chair next to his daughter's hospital bed. He had never been present at a birth before, where was Whis when you needed him he thought to himself. With wide eyes he watched as his daughter coped with a contraction. His wife puffed along with his daughter. He felt so hopeless, while his daughter lay crippling in pain. Furious, he stood up "I'm going to find that asshole of a pirate; I don't care how sweet you think he is. That bastard is going to die!"

Two pairs of bright blue eyes stared at him furiously. Apparently he shouldn't have said this. Bulma balled her fist "the only asshole is you, your daughter is giving birth and she is in pain. You were not much better oh noble prince of the Saiyans". A scream echoed through the room "shut up you two, I'm trying to put your grandchild on earth here". Bulla was furious and at times like this the scary mix of Vegeta and Bulma together. A doctor walked in and cheerfully asked how things were going here. The only response the doctor got was a bedpan to his head.

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