"Chapter twenty-four"

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Athanasia pov:

Pitch black and long void of an ending vast of the abyss, I don't know where am I nor know who am I. in all my life I've been questioning the same question I ask to myself, WHO AM I? I feel like a lost soul just wondering around and passing by each timeline and nothing to call home.

A soul that imprints with no name, a soul that doesn't have a place to call home. How pitiful it is, even I'm surrounded with people who cares for me who stays with me I still feel alone, is it because I'm still not satisfied? Or is it because I just closed my heart and didn't want anyone to interfere because I'm afraid I'll be hurt again.... just like how the way my heart shattered into pieces cause of betrayal and dismay.

I only have one heart and it shattered long ago, it was the time when the fist princess Athanasia de Alger obelia got executed for a crime she hasn't commit nor had the guts to commit, such a pure and pitiful soul who only longed to be loved by her Father and nothing else. Such a beautiful and pure soul that the devil fell in love to it to the point they want to break it. 'Why must I suffer? Did I commit something unforgivable to the point I'm being cursed?'

If I knew things would have gone this way I wish I shouldn't have existed, I wouldn't have to feel this or suffer this pain I'm feeling.

I look around and scanning the area it was nothing but a never-ending pitch black, I feel like I've been trap here for centuries I didn't even know how I got here. And something wakes my sense up.

'Lily!' that's right, the castle collapse and I got hit by a collapsing wall in the head protecting lily and I lose consciousness and woke up to an unknown place nothing but an ending void of the abyss.

'am I dead?' well it seems logical, I guess I'm really dead.

'I just hope lily is alright'

This is ok...

This is ok... since I have nothing to regret anyway, I died protecting lily so its ok I'm satisfied.

Wait... what about lucas? Well he be sad if I die?, I have been hanging out with him his company really put me to ease I always feel relief whenever he stays by my side and I hate to admit but I loved every moment I spend my time on him it was all worth it, I don't know why...

And luke! He always stays by my side, whenever I feel sad when father rejects me he always cheers me up and find ways to make me smile, he was like a brother to me, I want to thank him, I want to say sorry for all this time he stays by my side I was still being ignorant and deny that I had someone, someone who cares for me. And I still wont forget carlos... I knew he committed something to me to the point I want to stay away from him and forget everything about him, his existence and the memories I have spent with him.

I regret it... I regret for treating him so cold and forgetting the precious time I spend with him, I was denying it, denying everything he had done just for my sake to go such lengths just to save me. I want to say sorry...

'Do I really not regret dying right now?' I raised my head closing my eyes. 'do I really have nothing to regret if I just die right now?' opening my eyes I scan my surroundings again hoping I could see even just a small hint of light, but I still found nothing.

'No, I cant die yet... I haven't apologies to everyone, I haven't seen luke and tell him thank you for everything, I haven't told carlos I'm sorry for acting so cold, and I haven't beat lucas for kissing me without my permission...' I slowly stand up not knowing I was laying this whole time and scanning the are again.

I started running not knowing where I'm headed to, I'm just hoping to see a path to lead me out of this place. 'my body is getting heavier' I thought running while panting.

Seconds feels like hour, hour feels like day I'm still running and found nothing but just a pitch black that's surrounding me. 'I'm... Haaa, huff ou- out of breath' I said and collapse facing up still catching my breath. 'why... earlier I thought dying was the good solution, and I didn't even care how would everyone feel when I die, but now...' I gently raised my left arm and cover my eyes.

'I... I want to go back...' a tear gently flows down in my cheek. An image of everyone suddenly appears in my head, they were looking at me with their warm smile.

'please... even if its just a short time, please let me see them even just for the last time' I hug myself and curl like a ball while tears keep flowing like a river. 'I have been hoping for death, but now I'm here like an idiot begging to live for the people who made me feel alive'

'so please... just this once, let me live...

The place was nothing but silence, there was no response... so I cried, my scream echoes in the area.

SPLASH* suddenly a bright light swallowed the area and I squint my eyes because of the sudden light flashing before my eyes.

I slowly adjusted my vision and wonder my gaze, the never ending void of black is now covered with blue sky and white clouds and a blooming scent of flowers while petals where flying freely to the rhythm of the winds everything was so breathtaking, while walking to the greeny grass on the ground I spotted a lady standing in a small hill with her back facing me she has long wavy platinum blonde hair that was shimmering under the light of the sunray.

'who is she?' I slowly approach the lady who was seemingly so focus on the great scenery before her, the scent of salt in the wind the splashing of the waves, the tickling white sand under my feet. 'it's the sea!' I beam at the sight I was seeing. 'I always loves to go on the ocean' I thought.

Then suddenly the lady infront of me turn around to face me, I gasp at her beauty she was like a fairy no a goddess, in could feel the piercing warm of her ruby orbs looking at me with a gentle smile plastered on her face.

"Who are you?"

"𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬" (𝐖𝐌𝐌𝐏) Where stories live. Discover now