What if athanasia in the 'lovely princess' didn't die?
what if she got rescued by someone before she got executed?........and got transferred into the earth (America)
I know this is not an update but I'm taking as an advantage to help and spread the news.
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climate scientists and activists take huge risks every day, as so many powerful entities are prepared to do anything to keep the public from knowing the truth about climate change. and last week, a number of climate scientists were arrested for staging a protest of big banks, including Dr. Peter Kalmus, a NASA scientist.
"i am here because scientists are not being listened to. i am willing to take a risk for this gorgeous planet, and for my sons. and we've been trying to warn you guys for so many decades that we're heading towards a fcking catastrophe, and we've been being ignored. the scientists of the world are being ignored, and it's got to stop. we're gonna lose everything, and we're not joking. we're not lying. we're not exaggerating. this is so bad, everyone, that we're willing to take this risk, this is for all of the kids of the world, all the young people, all the future people ... this is so much bigger than any of us. it's time for all of us to stand up and take risks and make sacrifices for this beautiful planet that gives us life."
#ScientistProtest #LetTheEarthBreath
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This is Peter Kalmus, a NASA scientist and Climate Activist who's recently got arrested alongside with other activist by the cops because of their PEACEFUL PROTEST. He said that we only got less than 3 years to do about climate change before we will face catastrophic consequences of Global Warming and the government didn't do something. They want to end the use of fossil fuels and other bad sources of energy that rises he temperature of our environment.
We are clearly facing the consequences slowly like how numbers cyclones recently increased and caused a major impact to our country like Typhoon Odette and Bagyong Agaton. Global Warming is also a major cause of natural disasters such as Cyclones and recent study shows that the global temperature increased for the last few decades.
Sadly, most people don't even care and government doesn't listen and industrial companies are still continually destroying our planet. It's is so sad people like Peter Kalmus and Greta Thunberg are risking their lives just for the good of our lives, for our planet, and also for the future generation.
HERE'S WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP OUR CLIMATE: ●Lessen the use of fossil fuels and find our renewable source if possible. ●Avoid burning garbages, this is one of our normalized hobbit but it needs to be stopped especially if most of the trash are made with plastic which is a made of carbon. ●Save energy and supplies. ● Donate and support Non-governmental Organizations activities that help fight Global warming.
People like Peter and other activist gives us hope for humanity even though they risked their lives for our future and to the children of this generation. They show how selfish and unconcerned the government and the industry just for the sake of economy and money. #econotego
Let's fight those problems together. Show love to our Mother Earth 🌎 ❤
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My country is facing a terrible crisis cause of climate change, it's supposed to be summer here in Philippine but storms keep hitting and cause landslide and flood's.
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This is the cause of Storm AGATON on April 12,AGATON
[It's not to late to save our planet, please let us all work together and stop climate change]