chapter 9

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What was the point of even looking for something that was not there?

  If you were asking me it was to be truly sure it's not there. I don't mean only tiny bits. I MEAN NO EVIDENCE AT ALL!!.

    There was no question to me that happened last night was strange.

  Yes, I had stalkers but that was on a whole different level of creepy.

   There was no telling what would have happened if I was alone or even worst what would have happened if Saiki or I were normal

   In all honesty between me or Saiki, we could have killed whoever it was solo.  But first, there were cameras. I just use the system Saiki-kun would notice.

   Second I don't want to kill in front of Saiki. Yes I know if his life was in danger I would do what is needed. But currently, I will rather be protected by him.

  It's like a poisonous snake hiding in the mane of a mighty lion. When the lion is taken down and out against the wall the snake will strike at its enemy

    'He doesn't even know his girlfriend is a crazy serial killer. Jesus Teruhashi what have you gotten yourself into this.'

   As she reached for her hatchet she grabbed her suitcase and turned it into a tiny handbag. This was one of its many functions.

   She knew she had to search the perimeter so Teruhashi released Nidhogg to look through the vents and small places in the Kusou residents.

  Maybe Saiki does need a harem. If we had one then more ground could be covered if there is an intruder.

  But again it was a tiny house so her Aiura, Kuro, Saiki, and would most likely be enough. It would be a bad idea to let anyone else live here. Then the expenses would get too high. They were on a budget.

  Plus she could use the system to look around the house.

    Plus if she made Vethrfolnir and Nidhogg. watch over the house.

   Teruhashi went back to searching the house but her worries were lighter.

   There was just a mysterious feeling that whatever happened yesterday wasn't over just yet.

  Changing her hatchet the size of a kitchen knife. Teruhashi exited the Saiki Household.

      Teruhashi took the time to teleport back to the pizza delivery boy she buried in a hole yesterday.

   His head was still above ground and he was still half alive somehow. So Teruhashi smashed his head with her mallet.

"100 exp "

  It wasn't even enough to move me to the next level. Taking a gun out of my bag I walked around the general area too. are sure nothing was tampered with.

"Electro  disruptor activate."

   This was another power of the system I gained from leveling up. Along with incognito mode.

  In all honesty, I don't know why but this is getting way too convenient for me.

"Please tell me if you sense anyone."


    After I was done searching that area I put my gun back into my bag and my mallet as well.

  As the system voice resounded in my head I tried my best to not make any noise but with all the shrubs around this area, I was lucky I could gain as much information as possible.

  Not many people were around. I saw some teenagers walking around flaming some type of video wandering around.

  I ended up using an illusion to scare them away.

  The system deleted all information about me being in the area.

  After that, I left to go on my next errand.

   Walking to the grocery store I was at yesterday I checked the forest by it and all the nearby bushes.

  There was no sign that anything was touched which was confusing.

  I am sure I sensed someone there yesterday. No, I was 100% sure. Even Saiki-kun noticed.

'What is going on here!!!'.

   I headed into the forest to get a better view of the area to see if I can gather any information.

As I was about to take out my hatchet and start slashing away the scrubs the system gives me notifications.

"A person is coming your way"

  Out of now where a red hair ikemen appeared out of nowhere.

'It must be him.'

   Teruhashi knew it was a far fetch but she wasn't dumb by any means.

'He followed me time to run .'

  As I started to sprint I could hear him follow behind. This was strange since he was keeping up with my every step.

   He had to be a psychic user like Saiki or Aiura or have some type of mystical power.

  'I'm running half my regular speed. That isn't humanllevelalflffis faster than a plane. Half is getting to  America. and then to Europe in 5 secs

   Half my speed shouldn't be possible for this laser so how is he doing it.

   Seeing a clearing up ahead I turned around picked up some dirt.

  When he came near I threw at his eyes.

   His face cringed in pain as the dirt hit him in the face.

Using this chance  I ran for the clearing and activated incognito mode.

"I can't see you but I know you're there~~~."(Ryohei)

  As Ryohei walked forward I saw a bloodied sword in his hand.

It emitted a red aura and had an eerie feeling to it. The blade itself was a bronze color and the hilt was a giant octopus.

"Listen I mean no harm . I like you . I just want to go on a date.."(Ryohei)

"Sorry I'm taken ."(Teruhashi)

  Taking out my hatchet I exited incognito mode and Slashed ryohei in the stomach.

  He tried to dodge but I launched myself off the ground pushing my hatchet further into his gut.

   He screamed like a banshee but I didn't care. Using this change I hoped up and took out a gun.

  Using the gun I launched a green beam of light there destroying him.

   I was no taking any chances. If he was a follower of someone bad I could be in trouble.

  Picking up my hatchet I started to walk away but a bone-chilling voice resounded from behind me forcing me to stop and turn around.

"You should never turn your back on th-"(Ryohei)


   As the system listened to my words I teleport myself home.

" Sit fucked that."(Teruhashi)

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