Rumaisah (10)

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A/n: I wrote this chapter a bit after I came back from school, its seems kind of off, but uhm, I just hope u enjoy reading anyways!❤❤❤

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"He was so tiny, like, so so tiny I thought he was going to be crushed with my small pinky finger", Bilal closed his eyes, his head falling over the silky leather couch as he listened to humairah's endless rant came to a halt.

He glared at aslam, who had tears in his eyes, something that happened regularly when he had laughed to stupor. Aslam raised his hands up in surrender, while humairah had a mischievous smirk formed on her face.

" c'mon, how can you even remember such a detail?" He groaned loudly which was muffled by his palms.

"Ah, of course I remembered, not vividly but some short details, yeah?, I also remembered how I thought mum was pregnant with a big swallow, really thought it was because of all the food combined" he rolled his eyes, not taking any of her words seriously, cause for all he might know, it could be formed by humairah's brain, sometimes he just imagined what roamed in her brain to be all rainbows and  butterflies, it could be, she was too childish for her age.

"Mum said his cry was beautiful" she said with a fake gagging sound, feigning disgust, just as aslam's face crunched up.

"Stop!, its no more funny, h'm?" He said facing her, with one of his brows quirked up.

"Yeah, you like literally find nothing funny, stop being so serious it scares me, ugh" he could as well say he lost count of how many times he'd rolled his eyes, if we could call it that.

With an long drag, he puff out a breath, turning to leave he heard little wince from humairah, "I need to go to the hospital OMG I think my water just broke!" Screamed humairah, clenching and unclenching her teeth's, her face radiated pain, as small groan of pain left  her lips.

"I said take me to the hospital!!" He jerked back to reality and quickly helped her up while aslam ran to get the necessities.

Bilal helped her into his car, running to the other side to take his seat also, he brought fourth his phone, quickly dialing his mums number, he was stuck between driving at a high-speed and listening to humairah's groans and grunts.

The drive to the hospital seemed even longer than usual," uhm, stop exaggerating please" aslam snapped, he could get rather way to sensitive in situations like this.

And he knew if humairah wasn't in so much pain, she'll have surely had his head on the floor, giving aslam a hard glare, he focused back on the road.

They were at the hospital, taking a rather rough park in a small space, he got down and helped humairah out of the car.

He had never been in such a complicated situation before, he wasn't even there when she had given birth to najma, all he heard was, humairah thought it was all rainbows and unicorns, not until the hellish labour kicked in hard, and her promising not to get pregnant ever again, and look, they were back to the same point, LABOUR.

Humairah was helped to the maternity ward by the midwiferies, he knew humairah was over dramatic, but he'd just got a bigger glance at it, from her yelling to the midwife attending to her, to all the stuffs he could actually laugh and joke with, sameer was an exception though, his face was worn out, almost as if he was the one there, and he looked one minutes to passing out on the floor. He'd came a bit after they reached.

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