Rumaisah (14)

45 13 6

(What did the boy say to the guy donuts; bro, don't tempt me, give me food or I eat you!)




She slumped down on the couch while glaring at the wall, to anyone who'd came in, it was creepy since she had sat on her bed and then moved to the couch to glare at the wall.

She bit down on her lips, hard. That she felt the metallic taste of blood trickle down to her lower lip, she had no idea if she should be frustrated or just laugh like a lunatic.

He'd promised to pick her up, and she was a fool to wait, its been more than three hour's, but yet no sign of him.

But then, when had he ever kept his promise?.

She groaned loudly when her stomach grumbled, she felt lightheaded. Grumbling under her breath she took a sharp intake of air, with a tightly closed eye, she stood up and slipped on a pair of sweater and her pink fluffy slipper.

She made it to the kitchen and rummaged through the fridge, only finding veggies, with a leftover package chocolate cookies.

Taking it out, she plopped one into her mouth and munched on the Cookie.

She took out her phone and checked , but there was no message from him, none.

She felt like yanking her hair out, but too bad that, that would make her bald, and just the idea itself scared her.

"I should probably go to dad, maybe he's not asleep yet" she muttered out loud and walked towards his small study room, where he mostly worked, and like usual, he was sat in his chair, he had a pair of thick black glasses on, which sat at the brim of his nose.

"Can I help?" She muttered slowly while plopping on a vacant seat,"so with which file should I start?" She questioned while picking up a black file, she was pretty much not so experienced with file work.

He narrowed his eyes and cocked his head to the side,"do you need anything?, princess? "He questioned with a chuckle.

" why, can't I just have an alone time with my dad?, am I asking for much"rumaisah blabbered feigning hurt.

He chuckled and patted a space besides him and she gladly Nuzzled closer. She closed her eyes before she heard him spoke" what's going on in that little mind of yours?, you can tell me you know"his  voice echoed through the room.

Pursing her lips, she shook her head slightly and bit on her lips, if she'd to say something, he could have caught up to her lies.

She yawned softly, as her eyelid slowly closed on their own accords, it wasn't reflexive, it was like they had a mind of their own, cox not sooner than later, she had drifted into a dreamless slumber.


Rumaisah rolled her eyes at naya, giving by the fact that she couldn't decide which dress to choose, in her opinion though, both the pink and green colored dress would fit perfectly,"I don't know why you want to look the greatest, and... Its not like you're going for a wedding!" She had whisper–yelled for the umpteenth time now.

"No need to get snappy, I think I'll go with this emerald green  gown, it'll suit me, you think?" Naya said while dropping the green gown into the cart. It was pretty she'll agree to that, it had multicolored beads adorn in the flay hands and near the black strap belt.

And if you're guessing why the shopping, then, naya had complained of a dry closet, and had dragged them up to the shop, it was so unlike naya to ask to go to shopping non the less buy dozens of cloths.

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