One With The Wind

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"We're at the hills! We can finally star gaze!" Scruffy exclaimed.

"Cool it! You're scaring the kid!" Shadow purred.

Scruffy laid down and pulled Kit into a hug. As much as the kitten pushed away, he didn't want to escape the hug. He had been feeling down after the argument. He just assumed that River would come to her senses and make a truce. All he was paying attention to at the moment however, was the warm embrace from the other gray cat. 

Hours went by and Kit just stared at the sky in admiration. The stars shined brightly and he had never thought to acknowledge it. He heard Fang hum something under his breath, as Shadow and Scruffy began resting on each side of him.

"Hey Mr. Fang? What's that you're humming?" Kit asked curiously.

"My mom's lullaby. She sing it to me before she became one with the wind."

"One with the wind?" 

"Yes. When a cat dies its soul joins the wind. My parents passed when I was merely a teen." Fang replied

"I'm sorry for your loss." Kit said.

"No worries kid. She's still cheering me on." He chuckled lightly.

"Now come rest." Fang said, gesturing for him to lay on his back.

Kit didn't hesitate before jumping on top of the cat and laying down for a rest. A well deserved one.

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