New love

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Toono x yacchan [ch.20 inspired me]

Toono🗯: "Hey Yacchan! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later..?"

Yaguchi🗯: "..sure, I don't have practice today."

Toono💭: 'yes! (๑˃̵ ᴗ ˂̵)و'


Later: it's still school time, but it's like break time.


Toono was waiting for yacchan to meet him at their regular place. Which was a bench under a tree. Yaguchi arrived and as he approached his friend...he noticed his facial expression. Toono was looking at him smiling.

Toono🗯: (*^ワ^*)"Hello~ Yacchan!"

Yaguchi🗯: "Hi Toono" (#^^#)ゞ

They talked for a bit, but Yaguchi kept acting weird. He may have seen completely normal on the outside but on the inside he was a mess. He couldn't think properly. He couldn't make eye contact with Toono, his stomach had butterflies. He was blushing. Toono noticed he seemed red.

"Are you sick?" Σ(゚ロ、゚;) Toono asked.

"No" yacchan said "why do you asked"

Yacchan knew actually why.

"You're red," Toono said

As he said that he reach out his hand onto Yacchan's forehead.

Yacchan: Σ(๛д๛) what are you doing!?

"Oh sorry, I was just checking if you had a fever" Toono responded with.

Yacchan: I'm not sick,so don't worry.

*ring ring*

Toono: oh! see you later yacchan!(˶′◡‵˶)


When yacchan could no longer see Toono,he let out a *sigh*

Yacchan💭: He's so cute. (*´-`*)

A/n: LMAO ITS BEEN A WHILE SINCE I'VE UPDATED THIS. HOPEFULLY YOU'VE ENJOYED THIS. I FEEL LIKE I MADE YACCHAN OOC! (out of character)😭 also hopefully you can see the kaomoji's I have put.

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