I Play Capture the Flag Like a Boss

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I stared at the large assortment of weapons. Percy told me to choose one that spoke to me, though none of them do.

'Summon your weapon' my mother's voice spoke in my head.

I hesitantly spoke "Daggers and a bow with arrows." I gasped when small daggers were strapped to my side, a bag of arrows were hanging on my right shoulder, and a beautiful bow was in my hand.

I grinned and quickly put on my armor. I went towards Chiron to get a helmet. Before I could reach him Connor plopped a helmet on my head.

"You're on our team. It's Hermes, Athena, Apollo, and you. Everyone else is on the other team." Connor stated.

He quickly explained the rules to me and told me to ask Annabeth my position.

I hurried over to Annabeth while she finished speaking to an Apollo kid.

She turned towards me and spoke "You're going to be guarding the flag with Will. You're both great at shooting. Make sure you have a sword too, you're pretty good with one."

I nodded and summoned a sword. It was about 2 feet long and was glowing silver.

I smiled and mumbled "Thanks mom."

We all spread out on our side of the forest, while me and Will hurried to Zeus' fist to place the flag. Will hid by a bush while I climbed up a tall tree.

The horn blew and you could hear everyone's battle cries. I noticed a few Ares kids heading this way.

I steadied my arrow and shot toward them.

I made sure I didn't hit a nymph and only caught the Ares kids' shirts so that they'd be pinned to a tree since there's no killing or maiming allowed.

I grinned once I heard them grunting from the arrow that was deep in the tree.

I suddenly heard a grunt under me. I looked down and saw Will fighting Percy and Jason.

My bow and arrows disappeared from my hands since I didn't need it anymore. I jumped down my tree to help him, but was tackled down once I got on the ground.

I pushed the person off me and quickly took out my sword.

I immediately noticed Blaire and a few other Hephaestus kids readily standing their with their swords. I took a deep breathe and listened around me.

I could tell Will fought Jason and Percy away from the flag. Good, he was strategizing, though that only left me with the flag.

I focused back on Blaire and her siblings. They all charged at me, though I was ready.

I threw two daggers at two of Blaire's bulky half brothers to catch them on a tree and fought Blaire with my sword.

Then Blaire kicked me hard in the shin, making me drop my sword. My back thudded on the hard ground and Blaire grinned.

I wiped it off her face once I grabbed her feet, making her fall to the ground too. We both quickly jumped up, us both not giving up easily.

Blaire then dropped her sword out of her hand. I was shocked since I thought she surrendered, though Blaire gave me a hard punch to my face instead.

I groaned, but didn't stop.

I quickly summoned a shield and pushed her backwards.

I could feel warm blood coming out my nose, so she obviously broke it.

She grabbed her sword again and we continued to fight. I was getting restless and my swipes were getting weak.

Blaire noticed this and she charged harder at me.

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