I'm the Daughter of a Maiden

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There was a wolf that was watching me and my father as we hurried to the camp. It watched over as I fought the cyclops and it felt a horrible pain when the creature crushed my dad.

Though, it wasn't mine. My pain wasn't this strong. I guessed that it was the wolf's pain, but I've never seen that wolf in my life.

The wolf ran off and howled in pain. The wolf then stared at me as it turned into a deer and ran away.

I was shocked and before I knew it I was awake, sweating a lot and breathing very hard.

One though pounded on my head. 'I think I know who my mother is'.

I glanced at the alarm clock next to Connor's bed and it was 6:00 am. Everyone was still asleep and I noticed that the cabin was really dirty.

I got up and gave the cabin a quick once over. Once it looked presentable I turned to make my bed.

Travis, Connor, and Kiely all stared at me.

"Sorry. I couldn't help but clean. I hope I didn't-" I started, but Travis cut me off.

"No it fine... But we've almost never seen someone clean so fast. You cleaned this whole cabin in 5 minutes! It takes us a couple hours with all of us!"

I laughed and started making my bed. Once I finished, everyone was awake and surprised by the clean cabin.

They all were happy with my small peeve of cleaning dirty places. I just awkwardly stood there and had a small smile.

A few people finally left for activities and I did too.

I learned that I'm great at archery. I haven't missed once. I went through the rest of my activities quickly.

Once I finally finished, I went back to the cabin and quickly changed into my cleaner camp shirt since the one I was wearing during activities was really dirty.

I sat on my bed, took out a notepad and pen that I asked Travis to steal.

I started to draw my dream on a couple papers to show to Chiron.

Once I finished I heard someone say by me "Wow. That's amazing."

I shut my book and look toward the person's voice. It was Travis.

He looked down and mumbled "Sorry. But you're a great artist. How long have you been able to draw like that?"

I gave him a small smile and replied "It's okay, and thank you. I've drawn like this for as long as I can remember. It's just a few sketches of another dream. I'm better at drawing then explaining. I have to go give them to Chiron."

He smiled and walked away. I left the cabin and jogged towards the Big House.

I found Chiron reading a book that was in latin, sitting in his magical wheelchair. He looked up from it once I was in front of him.

"Hi Chiron. I had another dream. I think I know who my mother is." I spoke.

He nodded and waited for me to explain. I handed him my drawings and he was shocked.

"Y-you drew it?" He stuttered.

I frowned and started to apologize "I'm sorry... I just wanted to save time and-"

Chiron cut me off "No no... It's fine... So who do you think your mother is?"

I was about to answer until a pain surrounded my head. I let out an ear splitting scream because the pain was so unbearable. I squeezed my eyes shut to keep myself from crying.

I heard Chiron yelling for campers to help me and to get me healed.

I felt someone pick me up bridal style and run to a different area. They laid me down and tried to find out what was wrong.

I managed to scream out "My... Head! It's... AHHH!" The pain grew more and more and I felt like I was about to explode.

Suddenly, all of my pain vanished away. I slowly opened my eyes and there was an Apollo boy that was frozen.

It probably was really easy to stop my pain. He looked at me in curiosity and said I was free to go.

I ran to Chiron, who was pacing outside wheelchair free. He let out a breathe once he saw me. "Thank the Gods you're okay. What happened?" He asked.

I sighed and stated "I'm not sure Chiron, but I think I know who my mother is. Though... You're not gonna like it..." He gave me a worried look

"I'm going to call a counselors meeting." He stated before galloping away.

I awkwardly stood there while a few counselors came to the Big House. I saw Connor and Travis running towards me.

"What's up with the meeting? We heard someone screaming!" Connor worriedly asked.

I gave an awkward laugh and stated "Heheheh... Well.... That was kind of me..." I could of swore Connor and Travis' eyes popped out at this information.

"What?! What happened? Are you okay? Was it a camper? A monster? Why are you out of bed then?" The twins frantically asked.

I sighed and told them that I'm fine and that we don't know who or what happened.

"Sorry for all the questions. You're just like a little sister to us. We want to know that you're okay. Our half-sisters don't really need protection. They're almost as old as us. You're the youngest." Travis explained.

I smiled and slowly gave a small hug. They were surprised, but immediately hugged me back.

They grinned and we strolled into the Big House. After a few turns we were in a room where there was a ping pong table in the middle.

Connor and Travis sat together on the side of the table. I noticed that the Apollo kid that healed me was here. So was Percy, Annabeth, and many other people.

Chiron rolled in on his magic wheelchair and I stood next to him.

He silenced everyone's voices and sent me a small nod. I sighed and cleared my throat.

"I... I think my mother is Artemis..." I stated.

A girl that looked very pretty laughed at me.

"That's hilarious! If you don't know, she's a VIRGIN goddess. No children. HA!" She replied.

"Drew! Stop!" Chiron ordered and she immediately shut up.

I took a deep breathe and stated "I know it sounds ridiculous, but here me out. Um... Apollo kid... What's your name?"

He looked up and replied "I'm Will Solace. I think you're right."

I smirked at Drew and announced "Will didn't heal me when I was in the infirmary, he did not know what was wrong. Though my pain was gone. Artemis is not only the goddess of the hunt and moon, but the protector of young girls. She must have done something. My dreams too! Of a glowing woman teaching me archery. A wolf watching over me, then turning into deer. It all makes sense."

I threw all my drawings on the table and everyone stared at each of them.

Drew then retaliated "But she's the most loyal goddess when it comes to being a maiden. It can't be tr-" she stopped mid-sentence while staring at something on my head.

Everyone was looking. I slowly glanced above me and saw a stag symbol above me.

Chiron then stuttered "Uh-um.. All hail Charlottle Smith... D-daughter of Artemis."

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