I Fight Weird Snake Ladies

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I was in complete darkness.

"I have done as you have wished master." I heard a manly voice speak.

"Are you sure? Did you send them to the right place?" A cold mean voice growled.

"Yes master, they will arrive to them shortly and they won't hold back." The man spoke.

The menacing voice cackled evilly, though quickly stopped.

"Someone else is here." It stated darkly.

With a jolt, I woke up. I squealed as I fell off of my bed, landing with a thud onto the ground. I groaned and kept still.

Nico's head popped above me and he questioned "You okay?"

I rolled my eyes, holding back a smile, and sarcastically replied "Yep, I was just making sure gravity still worked."

He chuckled and held an arm forward to help me up. I gladly accepted it and he pulled me forward.

I, being the clumsiest person ever, stumbled forward and grabbed for the closest thing to keep me from falling.

That just happened to be Nico.

I gripped my arms around his neck, and held on tight, preparing for the fall. I buried my face into his neck and waited for the impact.

He supported me, wrapping his arms around my waist and he stood firm, keeping us from falling.

I stood still for a minute, before bringing my head back.

I stared into his mysterious eyes and loosened my tight grip. I kept my arms around his neck, as he kept his arms around my waist.

A smile slowly grew onto his lips and I couldn't help but to also grin.

With a slam, our door opened and we flew apart.

Annabeth rose her eyebrows and questioned "Am I interrupting something?"

Nico and I quickly, in unison, replied "No!"

Annabeth held back a chuckle and stated "I was just going to tell you guys that the train is going to stop in 30 minutes, but to stay on since it isn't ours."

She quickly shut the door and we both stood in an awkward silence.

"Well I'm to go get dressed in the bathroom. I'll see you in a few." I stated before thoughtlessly hurrying into the bathroom.

I removed my charm bracelet before taking a fast shower. I stepped out and grabbed a towel that I wrapped around my figure.

Charlotte SmithWhere stories live. Discover now