Chapter 3

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"Alexander Karev, Cristina Yang, George O'Malley, Isobel Stevens, and Meredith Shepherd. You're all with me," Dr. Bailey barked out and immediately sauntered out of the locker room, not waiting for anybody's reactions. All the interns ran out behind her while she started to talk.

"I have five rules. Memorize them. Rule number one, don't bother sucking up. I already hate you. That's not going to change. Rule number two, on-call rooms. Attendings hog them. Sleep when you can, where you can. Which brings me to rule number three. If I'm sleeping, don't wake me up unless your patient is actually dying. Rule number four, your dying patient better not be dead when I get there. Not only would you have killed someone, you would have also woken me up for no good reason. Are we clear?"

"Yes," the interns all responded in unison.

It was then that one of the interns decided to speak up. The girl with jet black hair commented, "That's only four rules. You said there were five."

Bailey shot her a look of annoyance before her pager went off. She then started speeding down the long corridor. "Rule number five, when I move, you move."

Her first patient's parents had questions. Questions that she, on her first day of this job in a hospital, had no clue how to navigate through. She did, however, make a mental note as to where the Head of Neurosurgery's office was when she passed by. That would come in handy later when she needed a nap. There was no way she was going to sleep on a stiff on-call room bed when he had a big plushy private couch in his office. Finding Bailey was an easier task.

"Katie's parents have questions. Do you talk to them, or do I ask Burke?" Meredith asked.

"No, Burke's off the case. Katie belongs to the new attending now, the other Dr. Shepherd. He's over there," she replied nonchalantly, not realizing their same last name wasn't just a coincidence. Bailey then pointed to the corner where Derek looked like he was talking to his new co-workers in the neuro department.

Meredith took a few steps in his direction. She stopped dead at how amazing he looked in his dark navy blue scrubs that matched his eyes. Banned, banned, banned, she had to remind herself. Porny thoughts of the attending on her case were bad. She went to go calm herself down in the stairwell but when he saw her, he chased after her.

"Dr. Shepherd," she greeted him while giving him a stern look that screamed, be professional.

"Dr. Shepherd?" he chuckled. "This morning and the past 8 years it was Derek. Now it's Dr. Shepherd? Last night there was no name at all," he smirked with that cocky grin of his.

"Dr. Shepherd, I'm your intern. You are my attending, and we are not talking about last night. Banned, remember?" she added with a huff, along with her own teasing smirk.

"I'm your boss. You can't ban me. You have to do what I say." He slowly advanced towards her, backing her up against the concrete wall.

"Stop looking at me like that, and no touching," she chastised him.

"Like what? And I like the touching. More touching I say," he smiled as he ran his hand along the small of her back.

She swatted his hand away and retorted, "Like I'm your wife and you've seen me naked."

"But you are my wife, and I have seen you naked. Many, many, many times if I remember correctly."

"Derek," she warned.

"Meredith," he joked back.

"You are on my case, and the parents have questions. We can't be Derek and Meredith, the married couple right now. We have to be Dr. Shepherd and Dr. Shepherd, which reminds me... The fact that we had the same last name didn't even register in Dr. Bailey's mind. She didn't even give it a second thought. I mean, is it that hard to put together? You wear a wedding ring, so do I. Your name is Shepherd. My name is Shepherd. We both started today. These people are kind of stupid to not get it instantly," she babbled on, trying her hardest not to grab her husband and do naughty things to him in the public stairwell.

"First of all, you're always my wife and we are always a married couple. But I do understand you. Right now, I need to be your teacher and you need to be my intern," he said lovingly while stroking her cheek. "And as for our colleagues figuring out we're married, I'm sure they'll put it together sooner rather than later." He backed away from her and slowly opened the door back to the main floor of the hospital.

"Lead the way to the patient's room, Dr. Shepherd," he attempted to say in his most professional and stern voice.

"Yes, Dr. Shepherd," she flirted, winking at him.

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